He shocked the world when he knocked out the number 2 and 3 205lbs fighters in the world back-to-back. He grabbed fans and fighters attention alike in minimal time. But what has this wrecking machine been up to since then? In this exclusive interview, I has the chance to catch up with hard hitting Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou to find out what he's been up to and what the fans can expect next.
LC- Luis Cruz with HACNews talking to a Light Heavyweight in mixed martial arts that burst onto the scene in explosive and impressive fashion, "The African Assassin" Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou. How you feeling and what's been going on?
RS- I'm feeling great, thanks for asking and things are going good on my end; training, and looking forward to getting back to business.
LC- Can you tell us a little bit about your background in martial arts, Judo, etc?
RS-Well, it's pretty simple, I have done Judo most of my life, I'm a 2nd degree Judo Black Belt and a BJJ Blue belt. And just a few years ago, I started learning Kick Boxing in my quest of becoming an MMA fighter.
LC- Now, as most people are aware, you made an immediate splash in Pride this past February knocking out Antonio Rogerio Nogueira in mere seconds. I was fortunate enough to be covering that event live and witnessed this. I remember my jaw dropping to the ground because up until that point, I had never seen either Nogueira brother seriously rocked, hurt yes, but nothing like that. I remember the odds being somewhere around +1200 for you. Did you go into that fight with an "I have nothing to lose attitude" and did that help you stay calm or was it the opposite and you seen it as a huge opportunity and you were very nervous?
RS- Going into that fight, excitement took over any other feelings, I knew I had a great camp prior to that fight and I knew I was coming out with a victory. I knew it was going to be a long night for me, but hard work paid off really good.
LC- Well you followed that up with another impressive knockout of Ricardo Arona just a couple months later. What were you like going into that fight and how confident were you going into that fight after the Nogueira win?
RS- I knew Arona was a really great BJJ expert and I also knew he wasn't a better striker than me. And due to the fact that I fell in love with Kick Boxing, I couldn't wait to get in there and break his face with my fists.
LC- Not too many fighters come out of relatively nowhere in just their 4th and 5th MMA fight and not only knock off but knockout two top five Light Heavyweights in the world. Great wins but now you haven't fought since the Arona bout and it's been almost a seven month layoff. How anxious are you to get back in the mix or are you enjoying this time off a lot?
RS- I'm more than anxious to get back in there, also I'm enjoying my time off, it allows me to improve my game and add more weapons to my arsenal.
LC- Going into your Pride debut, you were coming off a loss in which you were stopped against Teixeira. Is there any part of you that wants to get back in there with him just to try and redeem that blemish on your record or are you over that and looking forward to just moving up?
RS- As of right now, I'm looking forward to moving up, and of course down the road I would love to go back and fight him again.
LC- How much have you been training lately and with who and where?
RS- I've been training a lot, especially helping Dan getting ready for his last fight in the UFC. Also there are other Team Quest fighters such as Mayhem and others that I've been helping training for their fights.
LC- What's next for you, any proposed bouts lined up and/or dates of when you'll be fighting?
RS- For now I don't have anything solid, I'm hoping to get a fight before the end of this year.
LC- Can you give us details about any negotiations you had with the UFC, how much they offered, or anything?
RS- I'm sorry, I don't deal with that part of my career, I'm just a fighter and Team Quest manages me and handles that part of my career
LC- Ok, no problem. Do you have it in your goals to fight in the UFC someday or are you content with whoever pays you the best?
RS- As a fighter, I would love to fight the top guys, wherever they are, but on the other hand it's also great to earn as much cash as possible, skills pay bills right?
LC- [Laughs] Yes, I guess they do. Let's talk about some other happenings in MMA. Your partner Dan had a unification bout with Rampage in which he thought he won. Do you feel he won that fight?
RS- I totally think he won that fight, it's a shame the judges didn't see that way.
LC- Let's talk a little controversy now. What are your thoughts on the whole Fedor/Randy/UFC debate going on if you've paid any attention to it?
RS- I really didn't keep track on what's going on with that.
LC- How do you feel you match up with those three fighters starting with Fedor Emelianenko?
RS- He's a great fighter and I would love to fight him one of these days.
LC- Rampage?
RS- I would love to kick his ass
LC- Randy Couture?
RS- He's a legend in MMA and it would de a great honor to get in the cage with him.
LC- What are your thoughts on Houston Alexander? He kind of came into the scene similar to you, knocking out a couple of good Light Heavyweights when he was relatively unknown. They weren't two top five back to back wins as on your resume, but still impressive. Also how do you feel you two match up since we're on the subject?
RS- He's a pretty good striker, and I'm looking forward to facing him in a near future.
Word Association
LC- Dan Henderson
RS- Tough guy
LC- Wanderlei Silva
RS- Excitement
LC- Chuck Liddell
RS- In troubled waters
LC- Chuck vs. Wanderlei?
RS- Excitement
LC- Dana White
RS- Business man
LC- Pride
RS- We'll be missing you.
LC- Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou
RS- Straight outta the JUNGLE!!!
True or False
LC- Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou can bench 500lbs?
RS- [Laughs] We don't use pounds back in the Jungle!
LC- Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou has fought wild animals in Africa?
RS- True
LC- Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou can breakdance?
RS- True, then it'd rain!
LC- Is there any time in your life that sticks out more than any other that is not MMA related, if so can you tell us about it?
RS- Not quite sure since I train full time and that's all I do all day everyday, but other than that I would say driving. I love cars since they go faster than giraffes!
LC- [Laughs] If there was any one person in the world, whether they are dead or alive, that you could have 5 minutes in an MMA match with, who would it be and why? Preferably not a professional fighter.
RS- Conan the Barbarian. Because he's one of my favorite characters.
LC- That'd be a great fight. The last question I have is, if you could choose any time era to live in rather than today, when would it be and why? This could be past or future.
RS- I would say in the future. It sounds like technology will be more advance and I'm a fan of new technologies.
LC- Before I let you go are there any sponsors you want to mention, any websites or anything else to plug, and anything you want to say to your fans anxiously awaiting your return to the ring?
RS- I would like to thank Light Force for all the support. Also fans can reach me at
www.africanassassin.com or on myspace at
www.myspace.com/african_assassin. And I'll be back not in the ring but in the cage DEC 29th in Vegas!
LC- [Laughs] I think I got you, at least I hope I do! I want to thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me here at HACNews.com and we wish you luck in the future and hope to see you back very soon, take care.
RS- Thank you for the interview, it was my pleasure.