I have much doubts that the Midwest will ever gonna blow up. We are way too un-unified. Too many niggas frm the Middle only want their city or state to blow and aint givin a damn about the rest of the region. I mean think about it, how many Midwest artists have other Midwest artist featuing on their shit other than niggas that's in their city. The reason why the South blew up is because Southerners soundscan a lot of units in througout the whole region. And we hardly support artist in our own city let alone the whole Middle. Also one of the reasons we are so un-unified is because unlike other regions, there's really no common ground amongst us. Niggas in other states and cities in the Middle live a different type of lifestyle. In the South, whether you're from Memphis or ATL they basically have the same lifestyle. But Midwest cities like Kansas City, Detroit, and Chicago live in very constrasting ways. Shit Flint and Detroit are only 60 miles away and we live completly different from Deroit niggas. It's like 2 different worlds in F.L.I. and Tha D.