michael moore just roasted bush at the awards show...

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Dec 21, 2002
I thought what he did was bogus..
yea it is a free country and we all have a right 2 freedom of speech...
the oscars went on and wasn't cancelled to let americans know we won't let the war get us down and we won't change for it and we still can go on w/ our lives..
it wasn't meant for a movie star or any1 to get up there and use it as a platform to state thier political beleifs..your on the wrong show for that..and for him to do that and think its a good thing really angered me..does that mean every1 who gets up to the podium should feel free to say if they think bush is an ass or the war is bogus..yadi yadi ya..no, cus that's not what the fuckin award show is for..obviously..
and not only that but did you see him call up the other people nominated in that category who didnt win...when he won he dragged them up and they looked like they were under the impression to just hear him thank them or sumn..they were NOT expectin him to go off on his political views and have them up there with him as if they backed his statements..that was fucked up of him and inconsiderate..jus like openin his fuckin mouth in the 1st place..does any1 agree w/ me or does every1 feel we can just degrade our president on a non political show and platform whenever some1 feels like it..
Apr 25, 2002
well he had his 5 seconds of fame now he can go crawl back in the hole he came form and we will never hear from him again.

Props to the celebrities for booing him off stage :classic: damn i thought they would cheer. some did but the consencus was def that they didnt like him.
May 12, 2002
I think what that guy did was cool, he was expressing what he felt. The ironic thing is that Roman Polanski who won for best director raped a 13 year old girl like 20 years ago and then fled the country to France. He hasn't stepped on American soil since because he'd be arrested. When he won his oscar people gave him a standing ovation and cheered, even though he raped a girl, but when Micael Moore spoke his mind about a serious issue people booed.


Apr 25, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:

what do mean the 1 time.

you have been wishing harm on all americans for the enforcement of UN resolutions (calling for disarnament by force if necessary)

and against America in general
i have not wished harm on all americans.

1.can you PLEASE show me the un resolution(s) that stated america (or anyone) had the right to invade iraq if they didnt comply? thnkas very much.

after that can you answer these questions?

you said iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

what are the names of these weapons of mass destruction?

where were they found?

when where they found?

what was the name of teh inspector who found them and when was it reported?

any info you have will suffice for now.....

Mar 7, 2003
bangvan408 said:
I think what that guy did was cool, he was expressing what he felt. The ironic thing is that Roman Polanski who won for best director raped a 13 year old girl like 20 years ago and then fled the country to France. He hasn't stepped on American soil since because he'd be arrested. When he won his oscar people gave him a standing ovation and cheered, even though he raped a girl, but when Micael Moore spoke his mind about a serious issue people booed.
That is your sick fucking country for you.
Nov 8, 2002
Cameron said:

why? I don't give two shits what other people heard. I heard mostly cheering when I played the link. And at Gizmo it was on stage not back stage. By the way it looks like that gun might be a little big for monkey.
Your Kiddng right? About the Cheering?
I mean to look in the crowd I saw 1 guy clapping. I heard BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo From the crowd and you heard Cheering?

That gun aint big enough for a Gorilla.
Aug 6, 2002
Gizmo said:

Your Kiddng right? About the Cheering?
I mean to look in the crowd I saw 1 guy clapping. I heard BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo From the crowd and you heard Cheering?
no i'm not kidding. like i said when i played the link i heard mostly cheering, it's not that big of a deal....geeeezzzzz. It's just fucking clapping, get over it.

That gun aint big enough for a Gorilla