I'd say probably a very small amount of them. But what "drugs" are you talking about? Do you consider marijuana the same type of "drug" as cocaine? And I would think that they wouldn't commit a lot of drug-related crimes over there.
No, I do not consider marijuana to be the same type of drug as cocaine. Also, the crimes commited by the addicts have been on a rise.
They should learn to save.
They should learn to save? How can they save when they have poor spending habits and no one is TEACHING them HOW to save? Do you realize that the problems with addiction are not just physical but MENTAL? Do you realize the problems within the black community are NOT just physical but MENTAL? You can't simply say "learn how to save" or expect them to save when they are RENTERS, HAVE NO BANK ACCOUNTS (or limited knowledge of banking), and don't realize the empowerment that comes with OWNERSHIP. How can you expect them to save when you have more options and opportunities to waste your money?
While I understand it would make drugs easier to get, if those people don't want to use drugs, they aren't going to.
Do you realize that when people are allowed to do something they do it? A girl can have never drank alcohol in her life and at 21 she might drink too much and end up getting raped. People
WILL do them if they are legal. People
WILL do them if companies who are selling drugs
PROMOTE to a specific demographic who is known to spend money on drugs.
They're gonna spend their money on something else if it's not drugs, like Wal-Mart.
Which has a long term affect on your body and mind? Spending your money at wal-mart or spending your money on crack?
People will do what they want regardless of the law, so they're wasting their money on drugs now, there's no difference if drugs are legal and they still waste their money on it.
No, you are mistaken. Not all people WILL do what they want regardless of the law. Also, as I have previously mentioned before, laws and punishment act as a detterent to illegal activity.You are saying their is no difference if they waste it now or later. Do you realize the number of people wasting money on drugs will GROW because if it is legalized. Its a
SIMPLE case of supply and demand or "You build it, they will come." If you were to lower the legal drinking age from 21 to 18 what would you have? More teen age drinkers, higher insurance premiums, more accidents cause by teen drunk driving etc. Now think about drugs.....
I think I get where you're coming from, and I hate to be the "too bad for them" type of person, but SAVING money is important, and I'm sure that people in poverty or those that don't have a lot of money know this. I can't control if they spend their money on shit...But I would like to have a say in how things effect me and a lot of others that can be responsible....It's not the gov't's job to make sure people are responsible human beings, that's the individuals job.
How can they save when they are bombarded with so many vices? How can they save when they do not KNOW how to save? Also, I disagree with your statement that it is not the governments job. Why do I disagree with this? Because,
we are
supposed to give the government the power to make laws that
DO make us responsible human beings. Why do you think laws are in place? Why do you think bills are passed?
In this country? I think if ALL drugs were legalized we would have a serious problem with people gettin high versus going to work and doing their daily shit...However, I don't see that as a real problem because that would just further destroy the bullshit system which is in place.
And, what system would take the place of the current status quo? What you are saying is to let drugs run rampant, cause peopel to stop doing their daily activities and this will destroy the current system....Do you
HONESTLY believe this?
I'd rather have everyone be high than have everyone follow what the gov't and society tells them to do, as long as while people are high they aren't "going dumb" and "getting stupid" cause you know people act lik retards sometimes.
You would prefer a nation of junkies over a nation of sheep. Six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. How are you going to restrict the people from going dumb or getting stupid? How would you enforce these restrictions?
My overall stance is, legalize drugs for ME. I know what I can handle. I know what my boundaries are. Most people don't and even those that do most of the time don' stop. Until people learn some responsibility I don't think shit will be made legal...But I'm not an expert on the subject, so I really don't "know" what would happen. This is all speculation.
The problem is legalizing as a whole places so many people at risk and how does one enforce it?
here are the responses to the other post:
I don't think ALL drugs should be legal. Although I have said that before, I said it in haste. This country has a serious problem with stimulant drugs in general, the worst being Caffiene, and how do you feel about that as the leading addiction in this country? I've been told that is the #1 addiction, I haven't researched it though.
I believe caffiene (and tobbacco) should be limited as well. However some foods have caffiene in them and removing them might cause more harm than good. If the addictions caused by caffiene are contributing to major health issues or loss of $$$$ I say a change should be made or at least more studies should be done.
You dont' have to say they do. What I meant was, while under the influence of marijuana and/or opiates you are more sedated and "happy feeling" so you (the person who took it) are less likely to be aggressive in nature.
Again, I would say people who are impaired by them
are less likely to commit an aggressive/violent crime while they are on them.
BUT, When they come down from the high it is back to square 1. Do these drugs have any long term effects or advantages when it comes to reducing aggressive behavior?
I do agree with you on that, it's not violent or aggressive. But the DRUG did not make him go and drive.
No, but the drug, which is illegal, DID impair his ABILITY to drive.
That was his stupid ass decision.
A decision that was made while he was on drugs.
Now if he hadn't done the heroin in the first place his kid wouldn't have swallowed it, again that's HIS choice.
Because he is addicted and taking illegal drugs. Now imagine what would happen if it were legal and more cases like this happened?
The drug didn't make him buy more drugs
If you are addicted to something what does it cause you to do?
the kid didn't make him do it, nor his wife.
No one implied these were factors for drug use.
I realize individuals have problems and if it gets to that state I think people do need help and rehab, but my main focus was really marijuana...Which I don't consider a drug, or at least not the class of drug like any other.
I don't consider weed to be a manufactured drug like yay, but it is a "natural" drug that has mentally and physically altering effects.
I agree with you. I tend to believe this country is part of the problem, ie: Freeway Ricky.
I've mentioned Freeway Rick many times on this site, but I actually believe it went over the heads of the people. It was a bit too much for them to swallow at the time. With that being said, if the government would introduce drugs to the community on such a large (and illegal) scale, imagine what would happen if drugs were legal.
I agree with you, but not ALL drugs are the same.
I never implied they were and proof of my knowledge that all drugs are not the same is my acknowledgement of the differences between opiates and coke.
My problem is when people try to label every drug as the same. If people are gonna put marijuana into the same category as cocaine, than you might as well throw in alcohol and tabacco.
Not all drugs have the same effects and I believe I have given you my definition of what drugs are. Also, you CAN throw alcohol and tobacco in the mix. However when it comes to addiction are these drugs more ADDICTIVE than crack or meth? If so they need to be regulated even more.
I agree with you again on the meth problem. I have a lof of friends back home that didn't do shit after high school, except get into meth. They were gettin their "little homies" to do it with them and they were like 15...I was the only person to ever get on their case about it though.
On the real, the majority of people I grew up with are junkies, dead or in jail. The little homies in my neighborhood are thizzed out, snort coke, and use visine bottles to drop heroin through their eyes/eyelids. It is very sad indeed, young people have nothing to look forward to now days. People used to look forward to after school activities, sports etc. Now that these programs are becoming rare what do the kids have to turn to?
And that is not the sole reason for the education system being shitty.
No one said it was. I am simply showing you an example of how drugs
do effect what
YOU feel is a greater priority. Again, refer to the original statement "and do you want
some reasons why it has gone to shit?", and pay attention to the bold lettering in it.
mean, it could be the fact that by the time you're in 2nd grade they have you mapped out with how they want to teach you, and how far in life you will go based on a nice little test they give you when you're 8 years old.
Again, this is not what I am arguing. You are saying school/education is more important and I am showing you how drugs have helped to CRIPPLE the education system. Also, by the time you are in 2nd grade they could have it mapped out for you, however do you believe the crack babies who are in the second grade will be ale to past the nice little tests they are given?
Schools are in place to create workers for the technology and service age of today, that's my opinion.
That is one reason (of many) why the curriculum in AMERICAN schools have changed over the years. However, I am focusing on the impact of drugs and school and not so much as what schools are created for.
As far as the crack babies and that whole situation, I really don't know. There are special programs for teaching
Yes, there are special programs for teaching, but you must understand something. When crack became an epidemic and the first generation of crack babies were born these programs were NOT in place. You had class rooms growing in size, and you had teachers leaving because they couldn't deal with the students. Some of them didn't want to and some of them didn't KNOW how.
and some of them actually don't have that bad of a need for a "fix" and can actually learn.
I am not saying they cannot learn. Even people with learning disabilites can learn, however they have to find the correct method to learning. When you have special needs and your in a class of 30+ students how are you going to learn? Now, lets say you can get the help you need, but it is going to cost some money. How are you going to get the learning you need if you live in a single parent home and your mother is a crack head on the verge of being cut from government aid? Get a job? Ok, how are you going to get a job when you can barely work (because you are on blow) and you spend your money on it? So, lets say the services are free, again how are you going to get them if you have no knowledge of them?
But since my knowledge on this topic is limited, that's all I can say.
My sister is a teacher (an English Major, Alpha Kappa Alpha woman of the year, etc) and I would often do volunteer work for her. I'm speaking from what I have saw first hand or from what I have read in a couple of her books, but by no means am I an expert.
EDIT: Also, I know this is a long post (it is two posts combined), but a lot of my points are simply food for thought. if you want to address them cool, if not no problem.