I have MetroPCS and I'm strongly considering getting a Razr...Now I have a lot of friends that talk shit and say the Razr sucks, but fuck it - MetroPCS doesn't have much better lol. Plus my brother has Metro and he has the Razr and he loves it...
For the people on here that have METRO and have a RAZR, I have a question: You can put .mp3's on it right? Like for ringtones and shit? Because my brother can't figure out how, but I'm sure it can be done, cuz it can be done with Cingular and other carriers, and it has Bluetooth. Plus, the standard ringtones that come on the phone are .mp3 format...
Can someone clarify this for me please, because I'm not buying one if I can't put some Bay Area ringtones lol...
For the people on here that have METRO and have a RAZR, I have a question: You can put .mp3's on it right? Like for ringtones and shit? Because my brother can't figure out how, but I'm sure it can be done, cuz it can be done with Cingular and other carriers, and it has Bluetooth. Plus, the standard ringtones that come on the phone are .mp3 format...
Can someone clarify this for me please, because I'm not buying one if I can't put some Bay Area ringtones lol...