Geezy knows Beesh well enough, I believe it was him. Too bad about the deletion, I hope Beesh doesn't take it as an insult and doesn't come check BART anymore.
I don't get what Lisa (LMD1510) could have done . . . . but at least he appologized
Keep Puttin it down bash! I went to your show in Appleton Wisconsin.... I drove 10 hours round trip just to see you and got kicked out for some stupid shit before you came out. Come back to the midwest soon and keep comin' with those hits!!
my nigga i was there when bash told greg geezy do post that shit, it's as real as it get '
AND IT'S " not good!! "
baby is one of the top threads on this shit
and you do him like that!!!
this make the real mutha fucka on bart really trying to network and make some moves not even wanna fuck with it
i think that brat owes bash a apology
that niggas on tour right now and he siged to universal
and you the BAy AREA RAP TALK cant even show no love
" what part of the game is this " .B.A.R.T.
Keep Puttin it down bash! I went to your show in Appleton Wisconsin.... I drove 10 hours round trip just to see you and got kicked out for some stupid shit before you came out. Come back to the midwest soon and keep comin' with those hits!!
so that post I replied too sayin that LMD was a fan not a hater got deleted??
and for sure it wasnt by Bash's request? If so, SOMEONE GOTTA COME OUT THA CLOSET OR I predict THIS SITES GOIN BACK TA how it was B4 IT was BART, as far as Im concerned
o yeah tio jay tee...
I was just b.s. in'
"pimip" just got major facts and I was like WTF when I saw it and was "siking " him on them {}
{but I'm sure you got tha power to have them change that }
I read credits and am fully knowing they was wrong for that