That was not Reese... The dude who got stomped was an islander, I think a Samoan cat... not a mexican dude.
That shit happened in front of La Victoria,... I got there about 5 minutes after all the majority of crowd cleared out.
I saw that dude taping this shit, but thought nothing of it... certainly didnt think I'd see it pop up in the open forum of all places lol
Another thing, the security guard with the flashlight was TWACKED outta his mind, in fact, him & his fellow officer that guard the La Victoria Sauce with their loser life, are BOTH tweekers. Any given time you can go there & observe them, observing your Orange Sauce, & god forbid you try to take the bottle... shit will go down like you robbed the joint.
but dude was onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn one on Halloween, jaw all twerked to the side n shit lol