Memoirs of Stockton209SS

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Mar 12, 2005
EDJ said:
I was with a Girl who had some skrill, well her parents did, but I didn't feel right because she was always talking about marriage, and she'd sit on my lap and never let me hit, so it lead to lust, so then we broke up. Stupid I know, but I DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS 14! :hurt:
Mar 12, 2005
Hemp, we can start Here. You know how I came to see the truth. Just as you did, but through Jesus. The reason that you gave me in the PM was a good one, but here's mine. I realized that if Hemp was a devoted Muslim, and I was a devoted Christian, I should teach him about my Faith and the teachings of Jesus. It was up to you to convert, not my mine, even though my The bible states you'll go to hell for denying him, I left your judgment in God's hand and not mine, or yours or any man, demon, or angel. That is the truth, leaving all that is out of man's hand and will, into God's. See notice how you said in your religion, but read my Sig, if Allah was so merciful, would he really start a jihad?


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Hemp, we can start Here. You know how I came to see the truth. Just as you did, but through Jesus. The reason that you gave me in the PM was a good one, but here's mine. I realized that if Hemp was a devoted Muslim, and I was a devoted Christian, I should teach him about my Faith and the teachings of Jesus. It was up to you to convert, not my mine, even though my The bible states you'll go to hell for denying him, I left your judgment in God's hand and not mine, or yours or any man, demon, or angel. That is the truth, leaving all that is out of man's hand and will, into God's. See notice how you said in your religion, but read my Sig, if Allah was so merciful, would he really start a jihad?
before i reply to this, i will post the beginning of our convo.

you: you shouldnt talk about christianity if you havent read the bible. Why did you leave islam?

me: you see man you havent read shit i wrote before.
The main reason is because it states you are either a muslim or you will be tortured for eternity.

now that might seem legit, but not until you place people you know and met in very probably and realistic settings, and see the choices they would make and hardships they will go through to simply find the one way and convert to it.

i asked myself "What is the chance of somebody like Heresy, who believes he is a prophet , and that God has spoken to him which i dont doubt he spoke with something which surely made him be more sure of himself, to convert to islam.
ok say he somehow decided to convert to islam, whats the chance of him to find the correct sect, which i believed was the one i was in which is a special sect.
then i was like ok, say christianity is the truth, whats the chance for a shiekh like my dad to find true sect of christianity and convert to it when he is positvie of his position, and he is sure that if he ever gets convinced that islam is incorrect then that its the devil messing with him.

i would like you to place ppl you met, including somebody like me, and say what is this mans intention? What would he have done if Truth was made clear to him? Does he REALLY deserve to burn for eternity when all the humans have a 5% chance of survival, that is if there was only one path?

if i were a muslim today id ask, whats the chance of stockton to convert to islam?
SHIT man you didnt even know islam wasnt all terrorist before now so what if you never came on to here, what then? Say you found islam, would you have found the correct sect?

what about those afghani kids and iraqi kids being taught to fight jihad, whats the chance of them to actually find chrsitianity, and not catholic or whatever, n correct sect, follow it correctly and remain a christian without having doubt?

i know there was one afghani who converted to chrsitanity, but too bad he went on trial to see if he gets sent to death.

ask yourself whats the chance for hutch or 206 to go through all that trouble and processing to get to where you are, or heresy is, EVEN THO you both ALSO disagree on things.

all humans believe too many different things to be soemthing, thats why Reality is created by man. There is no certain way people must think. And just as when i have come to this conclusion i had become more spiritual and a much much better person, im positive if the people know the reality and peacefulness of the truth they will do the exact same.

if jesus was alive, he would forgive me for anything i did. he understands where the flaw of man and how innocent man really is.

see where im comming from.


ill reply to new post soon fuckin bitch is talking nonstop.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Hemp, we can start Here. You know how I came to see the truth. Just as you did, but through Jesus. The reason that you gave me in the PM was a good one, but here's mine. I realized that if Hemp was a devoted Muslim, and I was a devoted Christian, I should teach him about my Faith and the teachings of Jesus. It was up to you to convert, not my mine, even though my The bible states you'll go to hell for denying him, I left your judgment in God's hand and not mine, or yours or any man, demon, or angel. That is the truth, leaving all that is out of man's hand and will, into God's. See notice how you said in your religion, but read my Sig, if Allah was so merciful, would he really start a jihad?

no he wouldnt, and he wouldnt blind the nonmuslims towards finding islam.
but if any God was so merciful, would he really torture the majority of those who HE created and placed them in the wrong location on the map?

would a samali dude born today find your sect? would he find true islam?
most likely not.

what about the one who was following the wrong sect of islam, say he willingly blasphemed, he will completely erase islam out of his mind and options like i did, and that gives the chance of all the other religions cept islam to ever be found, unless of course, a miracle happens to each of the billions and billions of people

EDIT: also, sure i should leave the power in the hands of God of course, but the so called "god" has clearly stated soemthing that i strongly believe is immoral. So is he a God to me therefor i should leave it in "his" hands?
not anymore then if i close my eyes and not ask questions as a muslim.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
im gonna sum my whole arguement up with this:

what do you think the chance of heresy to convert to islam, shoowilla?
what do you think 206 has the chance of converting to islam or chrisitianity stockton?
And last but not least, what do you think the chance of shoowilla to convert to YOUR sect of christianity?

i only mentioned 3 ppl out of the billion and billions , so now id like you to question ppl you know and tell me what the survival rate of humanity ends up at.

i left islam for the sake of humanity, not for my own sake.
i wasnt against it nor planned on EVER leaving it.
This is just my heart that convinced me for YOUR guys' sake.

intentions are completely for greater good and if you can right now, or if your God can right this second, popup a wall in front of me showing me the truth, i will without hesitation convert, because the truth is all i , and EVERYBODY wants.
Mar 12, 2005
Hemp said:
If your mother or father is so loving and tolerant of you, should they leave you to do the actions you do, if they are evil? Same as God, is he not righteous and Almighty, it is by his decree in which we are to be judged not mans. He was the creator so unlike man who's been limited to what he can do, God is not.
also, sure i should leave the power in the hands of God of course, but the so called "god" has clearly stated soemthing that i strongly believe is immoral. So is he a God to me therefor i should leave it in "his" hands?
according to Islam and Christianity, what immorality can you find in God?! If he is to judge us on the end of time, who are we to judge whether his judgments are moral or not?


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
refer to my last post..., and the first quote box arent my words, i dont know why you always have to Edit the name to something else.