KleanKut said:
i might be an ass. but all your name calling and anti war protesting and all your anti government movements didnt so shit. 19 hours and 22 mins till judgement day gentlemen. your protesting didnt do shit. congrats your existance is pointless. End your life. Stop breathing my air. You talk shit but when it comes down to it all u are is a freeloading pussy who wouldnt fight for the freedoms he enjoys everyday. pussy.
lol, i don't recall any of us here at the siccness GOM board doing any protesting or taking part in any anti-government movements.... we aint no militia muthafucka, we're a message board letting our thoughts be known
lol @ fighting for the freedoms.... wut the fuck are u smokin on? whatever it is, i want some.... it must be some good shit, because it got you on one obviously... well first of all, we don't need to fight for this 'freedom' thing your talkin about... as long as we're citizens in this country, then for the most part we're guaranteed freedom and no other power can take that away, let alone gay ass Iraq.... muthafucka we're living in the year is 2003, not 1776
second of all... yes, you are an ass. i don't know why i even responded to this, but i guess it was for the sake of clownin.... yanno, i can't help but to think someone is coming up with all these usernames or somethin just to get a reaction out of folks and erk niggas on here