@Mcleanhatch. Ender, Knucklez or somebody else....your thoughts on this piece

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Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
first of all i cant speak for others!!!

secondly, the imperialism bullshit has got to stop. desparate people say the most desparate things at times

do u know what imperialism is? becuase I didn't say it as an act of despration....your comment is an act of desperation ( in case you didnt know).

Ender, Gizmo, and Mclean

but i thought we were disarming iraq from it WMDs, and liberating iraqi ppl....and stop terrorism becuase they hate our freedoms...and since iraq was responable for 9/11 (as 70% of americans think) we had to invade iraq...everything but not protecting our interest......what happen to those reasons?

yall agree to that statment, which means US is an imperial state! (The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.)
Mar 18, 2003
nefar559 said:
but i thought we were disarming iraq from it WMDs, and liberating iraqi ppl....and stop terrorism becuase they hate our freedoms...and since iraq was responable for 9/11 (as 70% of americans think) we had to invade iraq...everything but not protecting our interest......what happen to those reasons?
We are disarming IRAQ.
We are liberating IRAQI's.
We are fighting Terrorism.

I had no idea IRAQ was behind 9/11, nor has anyone I have ever met. I have never watched on the news, read in any magazine or newspaper that IRAQ had ANYTHING to do with 9/11.

Those reasons we invaded are there.

nefar559 said:
yall agree to that statment, which means US is an imperial state! (The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.)
Did they agree with everything stated in that article? Part of it... maybe some of it?

If we were to take permanant control over IRAQ puting Americans in office, I would agree that we have evolved to an imperialist state. It takes time to build a Government. I don't think Sadaam being run out of office was even a thought in the minds of those running IRAQ, so grabbing a few dozen IRAQI's and telling them they are the new Government wouldn't work out to well.

If you watch something or someone for long enough, you can always find a flaw. Take some of the focus off of what America is doing, and take some time to do some research on why were doing it. It might look bad on the surface, but dig through the roots...
Jul 7, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
We are disarming IRAQ.
We are liberating IRAQI's.
We are fighting Terrorism.

I had no idea IRAQ was behind 9/11, nor has anyone I have ever met. I have never watched on the news, read in any magazine or newspaper that IRAQ had ANYTHING to do with 9/11.

Those reasons we invaded are there.
disarming IRAQ from what? Apparently US was making assurtions that iraq had WMDs, pointing at photographs in the UN, yet where are they?...this can't be a reason.

liberating iraqis? last i heard they still killing american soilders...if you believe in this, why were you not saying shit when saddam was our ally? when he was killing oppisition in iraq. Apparently he committed his wrost crimes when he was our ally. US knew about the opposition, they let Saddam kill them ... With this said, this can't be a reason.

fighting terrorism? in iraq.. how as iraq contributed to terror in the US? becuase Bush said iraq was a threat to our nation, funny thing how the CIA last octurber claim IRAQ wasn't a threat, then a couple months later they changed there minds. Geoge Tenet took the fall. in case you have been keeping up.....BOOO!! again bad reason

this lead me to believe that US is an imperial state!

you might not ackownledge it, but 70% of americans do believe iraq was behind 9/11. "This did not stop the constant stream of assertions that Iraq was involved in 9/11, which was so successful that at one stage opinion polls showed that two-thirds of Americans believed the hand of Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks." [1]

Nitro the Guru said:
Did they agree with everything stated in that article? Part of it... maybe some of it?

If we were to take permanant control over IRAQ puting Americans in office, I would agree that we have evolved to an imperialist state. It takes time to build a Government. I don't think Sadaam being run out of office was even a thought in the minds of those running IRAQ, so grabbing a few dozen IRAQI's and telling them they are the new Government wouldn't work out to well.

If you watch something or someone for long enough, you can always find a flaw. Take some of the focus off of what America is doing, and take some time to do some research on why were doing it. It might look bad on the surface, but dig through the roots...
the fact that it was published in Foreign Affairs states what the council thinks of US Foreign Policy. If ya'll dont want to ackownledge it...then fine.

i just stated the definition of imperialism, yet you dont recoginzed it, US has gain economicly from the war "Britain co-sponsored a Security Council resolution that gave the US and UK control over Iraq's oil revenues. There is no UN-administered trust fund. " [1]
doesn't that fall under the definition of imperialism?

i've dug through the roots as with soo many others here in the GoM, i refuse to believe in your reasons, one only need to look at US history with other naitons, especially those in latin america, its all for US interest. imperialism. [2]

[1] http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=3915

[2] http://www.siccness.net/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68798

Nitro the Guru said:
It takes time to build a Government. I don't think Sadaam being run out of office was even a thought in the minds of those running IRAQ, so grabbing a few dozen IRAQI's and telling them they are the new Government wouldn't work out to well.
Mar 18, 2003
nefar559 said:
disarming IRAQ from what? Apparently US was making assurtions that iraq had WMDs, pointing at photographs in the UN, yet where are they?...this can't be a reason.
Disarming them of illegal bio/nuclear weapons. Why do you ask where they are, do you think they are searching a house? maybe a small city? or perhaps an entire country covering thousands of miles... think about it for a little bit. On one hand half of you claim that we gave them WMD in the 90's, the other half of you ridicule the government for invading the country when there are no weapons. How can both be true? Did IRAQ use the weapons they once had? Did they sell them to terrorists? Why isn't the location of these weapons documented? Perhaps, if we KNOW they have weapons we gave them, yet we CAN't even find those, it's safe to say there are plenty of undiscovered parts of that country.

nefar559 said:
liberating iraqis? last i heard they still killing american soilders...if you believe in this, why were you not saying shit when saddam was our ally? when he was killing oppisition in iraq. Apparently he committed his wrost crimes when he was our ally. US knew about the opposition, they let Saddam kill them ... With this said, this can't be a reason.
Really, the last I heard the people of that country were praising Americans for saving them, I saw it with my own eyes. Sadaam has been commiting crimes against humanity his entire presence in office.

nefar559 said:
fighting terrorism? in iraq.. how as iraq contributed to terror in the US? becuase Bush said iraq was a threat to our nation, funny thing how the CIA last octurber claim IRAQ wasn't a threat, then a couple months later they changed there minds. Geoge Tenet took the fall.
A change of mind you say. Could it be something like, I once was lost, but now im found? If I showed you undeniable PROOF that sadaam was a killer and was developing unbelievable amounts of WMD's, would you not have a change of mind? Would that make you a bad person because light was shed upon you? I don't know that this was the case with the CIA, but I would believe they were shown something that pursuaded them to believe sadaam is a threat.

nefar559 said:
you might not ackownledge it, but 70% of americans do believe iraq was behind 9/11. "This did not stop the constant stream of assertions that Iraq was involved in 9/11, which was so successful that at one stage opinion polls showed that two-thirds of Americans believed the hand of Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks."
I won't acknowledge it because I have heard nothing of it. Maybe FRESNO is the only US city to not know about IRAQ'a connection to 9/11, because if you ask anyone here, you will hear them talk about afghanistan. It was highly publicized that none of the terrorists were from IRAQ, that it was Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda that masterminded everything.

nefar559 said:
i just stated the definition of imperialism, yet you dont recoginzed it, US has gain economicly from the war "Britain co-sponsored a Security Council resolution that gave the US and UK control over Iraq's oil revenues. There is no UN-administered trust fund. "
"Britain co-sponsored a Security Council resolution that gave back IRAQ control over it's oil revenues. "

Does that? Ladi-Freakin-Dah

nefar559 said:
i've dug through the roots as with soo many others here in the GoM, i refuse to believe in your reasons, one only need to look at US history with other naitons, especially those in latin america, its all for US interest. imperialism.
I believe it when you say you dug through the roots, but how much bias was there? No matter how creditable the source, no matter the great amount of articles published and not published, no matter the crystal clear proof that everything going on is in some way justifiable, you will look past it all for one small unknown source criticizing this government. Im not accusing you of this, but this is what I have come to believe after dozens of posts from you "Anti-Americans", as you have so been labeled.

nefar559 said:
It's funny... isn't it.. :ermm:


Apr 25, 2002
Gizmo said:
I gree that it is truth.^^^^^

Please dont add to what i say.

"Hey i agree with that Article. Not all of it but most. America should have invaded iraq due to the fact that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. Don't you agree?"





May 8, 2002
nefar559 said:
disarming IRAQ from what?
WMD's maybe

nefar559 said:
liberating iraqis? last i heard they still killing american soilders...
by they do you mean all of the iraqies, or most of them???? or could it be that there are still a few people that are still loyal to Sadam???

nefar559 said:
why were you not saying shit when saddam was our ally?
because I was abot 10 years old.

nefar559 said:
fighting terrorism? in iraq.. how as iraq contributed to terror in the US? becuase Bush said iraq was a threat to our nation,
they are a threat.

any country that has within the last 10 years tried to assasinate our leader, has been engaged in war with us and still has the same leaders and who still think the same way, AND WHO REFUSES TO DESRTOY THEIR WMD's... yes i am sorry but that is a threat to our National Security

nefar559 said:
you might not ackownledge it, but 70% of americans do believe iraq was behind 9/11.
i dont know how any1 could have come to those results because it was VERY CLEAR why we went into Iraq

nefar559 said:
"This did not stop the constant stream of assertions that Iraq was involved in 9/11, which was so successful that at one stage opinion polls showed that two-thirds of Americans believed the hand of Saddam Hussein was behind the attacks." [1]
same as above
Nov 8, 2002
so two thirds is .66.6%
and then there is 70%?
which one is it?

@ Hereesy,
I agreed that the statement was a true statement. Other than that if you did not know, I worked away from aguing with people that dont matter.
Jul 7, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Disarming them of illegal bio/nuclear weapons. Why do you ask where they are, do you think they are searching a house? maybe a small city? or perhaps an entire country covering thousands of miles... think about it for a little bit. On one hand half of you claim that we gave them WMD in the 90's, the other half of you ridicule the government for invading the country when there are no weapons. How can both be true? Did IRAQ use the weapons they once had? Did they sell them to terrorists? Why isn't the location of these weapons documented? Perhaps, if we KNOW they have weapons we gave them, yet we CAN't even find those, it's safe to say there are plenty of undiscovered parts of that country.
the Bush Admin has been claiming that WMDs is the reason why we went to war in the first place. THat is what they been pushing, and were very certain. The fact that they were pushing that for the fore most, and yet we haven't found anything...hmmmm

come on, your analyze of iraq is some what laughable.... "Why do you ask where they are, do you think they are searching a house? maybe a small city? or perhaps an entire country covering thousands of miles... think about it for a little bit."

give me a break....the Bush Admin has been pushing, with NO EVIENDENTS before or after the war. remember those Picture Powell used in the UN? with the trucks, u know what those were? hint: not BIO weapons.

" On one hand half of you claim that we gave them WMD in the 90's, the other half of you ridicule the government for invading the country when there are no weapons. How can both be true?"

oh boy, do i detected hypocrisy on your part?
you ask me to dug deeper on this subject, becuase you assume that i dont know shit about it and you were the all knowing.
yet you ask me this stupid question.
Both are believe by the opposition, but i guess you dont pay attention..... DO U NOT BELIEVE in both parts?

the first gulf war was successfuly in disarming Saddam, but more effectivly in disarming iraq were the weapon inpectiions. The main weapons inpectors in iraq, Hans Blix (sp) will tell you this in his reports, and will state that he doesn't believe iraq has such weapons.

weapons inpections were effective.

Nitro the Guru said:
Really, the last I heard the people of that country were praising Americans for saving them, I saw it with my own eyes. Sadaam has been commiting crimes against humanity his entire presence in office.
the last you hear must have been when US forces won the 'war' on saddam, loong time ago, did you even notice the protestors? check the numbers. again re read my statement:

liberating iraqis? if you believe in this, why were you not saying shit when saddam was our ally? when he was killing oppisition in iraq. Apparently he committed his wrost crimes when he was our ally. US knew about the opposition, they let Saddam kill them ... With this said, this can't be a reason.

Nitro the Guru said:

A change of mind you say. Could it be something like, I once was lost, but now im found? If I showed you undeniable PROOF that sadaam was a killer and was developing unbelievable amounts of WMD's, would you not have a change of mind? Would that make you a bad person because light was shed upon you? I don't know that this was the case with the CIA, but I would believe they were shown something that pursuaded them to believe sadaam is a threat.
another nitro reason.

"i once was lost but now i'm found"? LMAO, do u talk like this in public?...ok enough of that.

you believe they were shown something that pursuaded them? wait one minute here, the Bush admin has be pushing for a war on iraq, what other dept can they get info on iraq, isn't that the job of the CIA?

Nitro the Guru said:
I won't acknowledge it because I have heard nothing of it. Maybe FRESNO is the only US city to not know about IRAQ'a connection to 9/11, because if you ask anyone here, you will hear them talk about afghanistan. It was highly publicized that none of the terrorists were from IRAQ, that it was Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda that masterminded everything.

nope, that was a nationwide poll, check the link provided.

Nitro the Guru said:
"Britain co-sponsored a Security Council resolution that gave back IRAQ control over it's oil revenues. "

Does that? Ladi-Freakin-Dah

i dont understand what you are implying...i'll get at it later in the post.

Nitro the Guru said:
I believe it when you say you dug through the roots, but how much bias was there? No matter how creditable the source, no matter the great amount of articles published and not published, no matter the crystal clear proof that everything going on is in some way justifiable, you will look past it all for one small unknown source criticizing this government. Im not accusing you of this, but this is what I have come to believe after dozens of posts from you "Anti-Americans", as you have so been labeled.
what i'm saying is what the left have been saying, again by scholars, intellects, etc....that is who i'm been following.
my sources are not unknown, its from the same source the ppl protesting the war were following. HOw many ppl were that? in the US, and all throughout the world

where have i ever stated something "anti america" on this thread? you cant prove it, becuase you pick up on what other have labeled me, you dont want to look past the "unkown source criticizing" ME.


lets me refresh your mind.

nefar559 said:
America's primary interest in the Persian Gulf lies in ensuring the free and stable flow of oil from the region to the world at large. This fact has nothing to do with the conspiracy theories leveled against the Bush administration during the run-up to the recent war. U.S. interests do not center on whether gas is $2 or $3 at the pump, or whether Exxon gets contracts instead of Lukoil or Total. Nor do they depend on the amount of oil that the United States itself imports from the Persian Gulf or anywhere else. The reason the United States has a legitimate and critical interest in seeing that Persian Gulf oil continues to flow copiously and relatively cheaply is simply that the global economy built over the last 50 years rests on a foundation of inexpensive, plentiful oil, and if that foundation were removed, the global economy would collapse.

Today, roughly 25 percent of the world's oil production comes from the Persian Gulf, with Saudi Arabia alone responsible for roughly 15 percent -- a figure expected to increase rather than decrease in the future. The Persian Gulf region has as much as two-thirds of the world's proven oil reserves, and its oil is absurdly economical to produce, with a barrel from Saudi Arabia costing anywhere from a fifth to a tenth of the price of a barrel from Russia. Saudi Arabia is not only the world's largest oil producer and the holder of the world's largest oil reserves, but it also has a majority of the world's excess production capacity, which the Saudis use to stabilize and control the price of oil by increasing or decreasing production as needed. Because of the importance of both Saudi production and Saudi slack capacity, the sudden loss of the Saudi oil network would paralyze the global economy, probably causing a global downturn at least as devastating as the Great Depression of the 1930s, if not worse. So the fact that the United States does not import most of its oil from the Persian Gulf is irrelevant: if Saudi oil production were to vanish, the price of oil in general would shoot through the ceiling, destroying the American economy along with everybody else's.

But the United States is not simply concerned with keeping oil flowing out of the Persian Gulf; it also has an interest in preventing any potentially hostile state from gaining control over the region and is resources and using such control to amass vast power or blackmail the world. And it has an interest in maintaining military access to the Persian Gulf because of the region's geostrategically critical location, near the Middle East, Central Asia, eastern Africa, and South Asia. If the United States were denied access to the Persian Gulf, its ability to influence events in many other key regions of the world would be greatly diminished. (Much of the air war against Afghanistan, for example, was mounted from bases in the Persian Gulf.) The tragedy of September 11, 2001, finally, has demonstrated that the United States also has an interest in stamping out the terrorist groups that flourish in the region.

iraq's oil :

"Tony Blair complained in Parliament that "people falsely claim that we want to seize" Iraq's oil revenues, adding that they should be put in a trust fund for the Iraqi people administered through the UN. Britain should seek a Security Council resolution that would affirm "the use of all oil revenues for the benefit of the Iraqi people".

Instead Britain co-sponsored a Security Council resolution that gave the US and UK control over Iraq's oil revenues. There is no UN-administered trust fund.

Far from "all oil revenues" being used for the Iraqi people, the resolution continues to make deductions from Iraq's oil earnings to pay in compensation for the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. "
source: http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=3915

imperialism: The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations

the above, is that not IMPERIALISM?
Jul 7, 2002
fighting terrorism? in iraq.. how as iraq contributed to terror in the US? becuase Bush said iraq was a threat to our nation,

Mcleanhatch said:

they are a threat.

any country that has within the last 10 years tried to assasinate our leader, has been engaged in war with us and still has the same leaders and who still think the same way, AND WHO REFUSES TO DESRTOY THEIR WMD's... yes i am sorry but that is a threat to our National Security
iraq is not a thread, iraq is the weakest state in the region, its millitary spending is drasticly cut from when he was our ally.

there has never been any connection, between iraq and al queda.

in was only in the US there ppl thought he was a threat, there is no IRAQ and terror LINK. it was false
May 8, 2002
nefar559 said:
reasons niether the left nor the right say...but only from the idiot wing.
LOL, an extremist (NEFAR559) who is a commie, anti-american and who comes up with the most idiotic conspiricies and who believes the most questionably bias magazines, websites, and newspapers has the nerve to call me an idiot.
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
as opposed to what the intellectuals and scholars on the right have been saying right. that is who I've been agreeing with.
i wasnt talking to you, but i will say this you agree with opinion articles,

Mcleanhatch said:

to the best of my memory i think it was what maybe 5 million Americans at best????

as oppsed to the other 200+ million americans

last time i checked before the war about 75% of Americans approved of going into Iraq. which mean that the 25% that opposed a majority of those were Anti-Bush, Anti-Americans, commies, socialists, leftists, and/or pacifists
i wasn't talking to you, let nitro reply those statements.

but yea, the last you CHECKED, in march!.. look at the polls now.
Less amercans support it.
Jul 7, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
LOL, an extremist (NEFAR559) who is a commie, anti-american and who comes up with the most idiotic conspiricies and who believes the most questionably bias magazines, websites, and newspapers has the nerve to call me an idiot.
my case close, in proving you dont come from neither the left or the right, but from the "idiot wing"


Apr 25, 2002
Gizmo said:
so two thirds is .66.6%
and then there is 70%?
which one is it?

@ Hereesy,
I agreed that the statement was a true statement. Other than that if you did not know, I worked away from aguing with people that dont matter.
thats great. I worked away from arguing with people who dont matter, never mattered and never will matter. Those are the same type of people who say "dont put words in my mouth" or "dont add to what i say"...

::swats a fly::

anyway im out. have a blessed day.


ps did i those who implement globalism and how you agree with them?
May 1, 2002







Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
Last I heard poison was still a very formidable and effective weapon. When Saddam or ANYbody else says, "The Americans are evil and they must be killed", they poison America with these statements. How? By raising a generation to grow up and hate us, thus slowly but surely poisoning our future generation with enemies. So yes, Iraq does indeed support terrorism against America everytime they speak against us.

Bear with me hear, I'm trying to weigh these two statements:

1."The Americans are evil ,and they must be killed."

2. "The Americans are evil, so we must bomb them."

I think the reason I'm having such a tough time trying to weigh these statements against each other is because... IT'S THE SAME MOTHAFUCKIN STATEMENT.

Thankyou nefar559 for tellin me what imperialism is. And now that I now what it means, what's wrong with it? To me it sounds like how the world be workin anyway right? It's just business. When you run a company you try and take out your competitor, when you sell drugs you try and take out your competitor, when you speak on your beliefs you try and take out your competitor, when your playin Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 and your in the tricks competition mode... your tryin to take out your competitor.

The only difference when America plays this game is that when it wins you still get to be your character, unless your a spoil sport, you just have to play under different rules, and when, if somebody like Iraq won, your character gets tortured, it's girlfriend gets raped, and you eventually get shot in the dome.

Think of America as tryin to get everybody under the same set of rules so we can tell who is better at what and what needs to be improved on. And if you don't like America's rules then your basically a spy and a traitor for somebody else if you live in this land. I ain't tryin to sound all mean and shit that's just some real talk right there.

United we stand forever. Or divide and conquer. The oldest known rules of the game ever.

Saddam couldn't win a straight up "fist fight" with America and he knew this. So know he's using (if he's still alive) or his followers are using the tactic of divide and conquer against America right now.

Saddam's plan:

1. Group all his soldiers together to fight with all they got even tho Saddam knows they don't stand a chance.
a. It shows Saddam how down his people are for him.
b. It creates blind hatred for America when family members die.
c. It tries to create the illusion of a valiant last stand for a failed cause.
d. it tries to gain sympathy from other nations by creating the illusion that it is bullied.

2. After Iraq loses, start killing small numbers of Americans consistently, so as to sway the American mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family and friends into causing a ruckus.

3. ^Use the, in my best Saddam impression: "stupid unloyal american media" to do this, by having them let anybody and their mama without a security clearence to speak their two cents on how bad our president is for not protecting the American soldiers. Even tho he was lookin after the U.S.'s best interest in the first place, and the mothafuckin Saddam loyalists and America haters are doing all the killing in the first place.
a. Drag it out as long as possible by way of sabotage and count on the American public's widely known laziness, unpatient, and unpatriotic way of life to kick in and really start fucking things up.

Try and look at the big picture yall.

If Saddam was so brave and valiant and really believed America was the evil of the world he would of been on the frontlines in baghdad with a gun fighting right beside his people. And if he really cared about the well being of his people in the first place he would of had them surrender, so as to save bloodshed.

No matter how you look at it Saddam's a mothafuckin coward and his actions proved all he really cared about was controlloing the oil, so he could have power over the great America which he hated due to only the facts of jealousy and envy.

In order for anybody to ever find true evil the world HAS to be united no matter how you look at it. Everybody should live under the sames rules of righteousness, freedom, and justice.

They were and still are in the ten commandments but hell we didn't like that shit did we?, we wanted to make up our own rules and then complain about how nobody understands nobody and how everybody's confused. The majority of people can't ever find out what they're fightin for cuz thier only fightin for themselves. Try fightin for what's right and maybe you can figure some shit out. I'll start here, in the U.S. of mothafuckin A., because I know we got the right idea. Quit fightin over bullshit, come together and support eachother, support your freakin country, and definitely support anybody who would fight and die for your country.

"One love, one heart." - Bob Marley
May 13, 2002
Damn it Ender, I hate reading your posts when it comes to bush/sadam....Long ass replies of pure shit.

Aghh, normally I dont reply to such nonsense but for some reason your ignorance has agitated me this time.

Last I heard poison was still a very formidable and effective weapon. When Saddam or ANYbody else says, "The Americans are evil and they must be killed", they poison America with these statements. How? By raising a generation to grow up and hate us, thus slowly but surely poisoning our future generation with enemies. So yes, Iraq does indeed support terrorism against America everytime they speak against us.
How long has Saddam or the Iraqi people been speaking poorly of america or its government? My bet is the day the U.S stabbed Saddam in the back. Yeah thats right, we were allies with Saddam until the DAY Iraq invaded Kuwait. Yup, its a fact that Iraq was getting money up until the day before they stormed into Kuwait. Lets not forget, that after the first gulf war there were U.S/U.N sactions placed on Iraq. So what does that mean? That means that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died. Much needed food and Medicine, mostly needed from the depleted uranium left over iraq, was not allowed into Iraq.

Since your always using these cute little stories to get your point accross, I thought I would give it a shot.

Pretend you have a best friend that you knew for over 20 years. When ever you had beef with someone, your comrade would come to your side and would not only give you advice and training on how to kick your enemies ass, he would give you weapons and money in case you needed it. After time, your comrade was such a good friend and you trusted him so much, that you would fight people that he told you to fight. So, this relationship goes on for years and years until one day, your comrade says something to you, something about a bitch and how you can fuck this bitch if you want. You werent really listening close to details but you took it as your comrade just gave you permission to take fuck this bitch. So, you do what you feel and fuck her. The next day your number one comrade is talking shit saying you shouldnt have touched her, and this and that. Next thing you know he comes over to your house and kicks your ass. THEN, your ex-comrade convinces all your other homies that your a bitch and wont help you out anymore.

Thankyou nefar559 for tellin me what imperialism is. And now that I now what it means, what's wrong with it? To me it sounds like how the world be workin anyway right? It's just business. When you run a company you try and take out your competitor, when you sell drugs you try and take out your competitor, when you speak on your beliefs you try and take out your competitor, when your playin Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 and your in the tricks competition mode... your tryin to take out your competitor.
Imperialsim is good, huh? Interesting, so I guess its safe to assume that it was good those Imperialist countries ivaded Africa, stole there resources and exploited/raped/murederd there people. Yeah, Imperialism is great!

And your little Tony Hawk example, that this is the way of the world is bullshit...This is the mentality of America, not the world.

Think of America as tryin to get everybody under the same set of rules so we can tell who is better at what and what needs to be improved on. And if you don't like America's rules then your basically a spy and a traitor for somebody else if you live in this land. I ain't tryin to sound all mean and shit that's just some real talk right there.
WTF type of shit is this? "If we dont like americas rules then your basically a spy and a traitor"?!?!?!
So call me a spy and a traitor. Call Thomas Jefferson, abraham lincoln, Malcom X, JFK and MLK spies and traitors as well. Dont you believe it is OUR right to disagree with some of these "rules" and express our opinions that some of these "rules" need to be changed?

If Saddam was so brave and valiant and really believed America was the evil of the world he would of been on the frontlines in baghdad with a gun fighting right beside his people. And if he really cared about the well being of his people in the first place he would of had them surrender, so as to save bloodshed.
Yeah, just like how Bush is on the frontlines fighting side by side with his people. :dead:

No matter how you look at it Saddam's a mothafuckin coward and his actions proved all he really cared about was controlloing the oil, so he could have power over the great America which he hated due to only the facts of jealousy and envy.
You got it backwords, its america (government) who is the coward, stealing a third world countries oil so they can have more power over the world.

In order for anybody to ever find true evil the world HAS to be united no matter how you look at it. Everybody should live under the sames rules of righteousness, freedom, and justice.
Absolutely not. The world can have different cultures and different styles of government and still get a long. Why should we force our corrupted style of government and filthy values upon other people? If there is a such thing as "pure evil" you dont have to look any further then the bush administration to find it.

Try fightin for what's right and maybe you can figure some shit out. I'll start here, in the U.S. of mothafuckin A., because I know we got the right idea. Quit fightin over bullshit, come together and support eachother, support your freakin country, and definitely support anybody who would fight and die for your country.
I agree, fight for whats right. And whats definately NOT right is the war in Iraq, afganistan, palastine/israel etc. Some of you need to wake up and realize that you have fallin for the deception that has been created since 9/11. You are blindly following a madman whos only interest is in himself and the rich like him. Look at what this man has accomplished in only half of a term. Besides the thousands upon thousands of dead men, women and children, he destroyed the american peoples rights, he enialated much needed environmental laws, he is the first president since Herbert Hoover to lose jobs for the american people, he has destroyed the american econemy, and the list goes on and on.

Dont be a lamb led to the slaughter.


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
^Good story.

You left out the part where you just wanted to know what your friend was capable of in the face of temptation. Think of it as a test of goodwill. For both of you.

And I'll bet that Iraq started speakin poorly of America the day Islamic fundamentalists decided that all Christians should be killed and got angry that a Christian founded nation was doing better then any other nation in the world.

I shouldn't say all Iraq, when I mean just the people who believed this to be true.

I do believe that you should have a right to speak out against rules you don't believe in, only when you have a CLEARLY defined basis for your argument. Most people will say they don't believe in something just for arguements sake, and have no distinct foundation for the reasoning behind their statements. You have to identify a problem before you can solve it. You have to cut the badtree that bares bad fruit, you can't waste your time on trying to kill all the apples that fall.

When I said a spy and a traitor for not believing in America's rules I meant it. Maybe we see these rules in a different light than one another, if this is one nation under God then there are only ten basic rules I'm talkin about here. Ten simple rules that I call the ten commandments and other people call just good advice and good words to live by. Maybe you thought I meant man's law, which is flawed, inconsistent due to circumstances, and will forever change.

I support America because I believe this will be the country to bring about the unity of the world. As it is still a very young country, so it learns from it's mistakes and accomplishments, but I know it's on the right track. I support our president because he is our leader and as far as I can tell he's looking out after all of us who live here in the USA.

You can only protect the people that live in your house period. And even if you don't agree with how somebody else is running their household all you can do is offer your advice and criticism to try and change it. But if you truly believe that the people in this other house are oppressed and will continue to be oppressed no matter what you say you have two options.

1. Take out the house leader by force and have the people of the house appoint somebody they think will do good for the whole of the house. (does any of this sound familiar to anybody like a certain president and his relationship with a bastard).


2. Take out the house leader by force and appoint somebody you think can do good for the whole of the house because everybody in the house has been oppressed for so long that they don't know no other way to live.

And as for Bush fighting by the side of the soldiers I firmly believe that IF America was ever at it's last stand for survival and needed every man woman and child to fight, he would die right beside his brethren bravely, righteously, and valiantly. For him to go out and fight right now would be pointless when the military already got it handled. In fact that's the exact reason why they like him, cuz he let's the warrior's do what they do best... war.

The world can have all the cultures it wants but they need to follow the basic guidelines of what's right and wrong for there to ever be peace and understanding.
Jul 7, 2002
Ender said:
Last I heard poison was still a very formidable and effective weapon. When Saddam or ANYbody else says, "The Americans are evil and they must be killed", they poison America with these statements. How? By raising a generation to grow up and hate us, thus slowly but surely poisoning our future generation with enemies. So yes, Iraq does indeed support terrorism against America everytime they speak against us.

Bear with me hear, I'm trying to weigh these two statements:

1."The Americans are evil ,and they must be killed."

2. "The Americans are evil, so we must bomb them."

I think the reason I'm having such a tough time trying to weigh these statements against each other is because... IT'S THE SAME MOTHAFUCKIN STATEMENT.

Thankyou nefar559 for tellin me what imperialism is. And now that I now what it means, what's wrong with it? To me it sounds like how the world be workin anyway right? It's just business. When you run a company you try and take out your competitor, when you sell drugs you try and take out your competitor, when you speak on your beliefs you try and take out your competitor, when your playin Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 and your in the tricks competition mode... your tryin to take out your competitor.

The only difference when America plays this game is that when it wins you still get to be your character, unless your a spoil sport, you just have to play under different rules, and when, if somebody like Iraq won, your character gets tortured, it's girlfriend gets raped, and you eventually get shot in the dome.

Think of America as tryin to get everybody under the same set of rules so we can tell who is better at what and what needs to be improved on. And if you don't like America's rules then your basically a spy and a traitor for somebody else if you live in this land. I ain't tryin to sound all mean and shit that's just some real talk right there.

United we stand forever. Or divide and conquer. The oldest known rules of the game ever.

Saddam couldn't win a straight up "fist fight" with America and he knew this. So know he's using (if he's still alive) or his followers are using the tactic of divide and conquer against America right now.

Saddam's plan:

1. Group all his soldiers together to fight with all they got even tho Saddam knows they don't stand a chance.
a. It shows Saddam how down his people are for him.
b. It creates blind hatred for America when family members die.
c. It tries to create the illusion of a valiant last stand for a failed cause.
d. it tries to gain sympathy from other nations by creating the illusion that it is bullied.

2. After Iraq loses, start killing small numbers of Americans consistently, so as to sway the American mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family and friends into causing a ruckus.

3. ^Use the, in my best Saddam impression: "stupid unloyal american media" to do this, by having them let anybody and their mama without a security clearence to speak their two cents on how bad our president is for not protecting the American soldiers. Even tho he was lookin after the U.S.'s best interest in the first place, and the mothafuckin Saddam loyalists and America haters are doing all the killing in the first place.
a. Drag it out as long as possible by way of sabotage and count on the American public's widely known laziness, unpatient, and unpatriotic way of life to kick in and really start fucking things up.

Try and look at the big picture yall.

If Saddam was so brave and valiant and really believed America was the evil of the world he would of been on the frontlines in baghdad with a gun fighting right beside his people. And if he really cared about the well being of his people in the first place he would of had them surrender, so as to save bloodshed.

No matter how you look at it Saddam's a mothafuckin coward and his actions proved all he really cared about was controlloing the oil, so he could have power over the great America which he hated due to only the facts of jealousy and envy.

In order for anybody to ever find true evil the world HAS to be united no matter how you look at it. Everybody should live under the sames rules of righteousness, freedom, and justice.

They were and still are in the ten commandments but hell we didn't like that shit did we?, we wanted to make up our own rules and then complain about how nobody understands nobody and how everybody's confused. The majority of people can't ever find out what they're fightin for cuz thier only fightin for themselves. Try fightin for what's right and maybe you can figure some shit out. I'll start here, in the U.S. of mothafuckin A., because I know we got the right idea. Quit fightin over bullshit, come together and support eachother, support your freakin country, and definitely support anybody who would fight and die for your country.

"One love, one heart." - Bob Marley
i just got back and i just finished reading this... unbelievable....and to top it all off you end with a BOB MARLEY QUOTE!!!! do u understand Marley, and what he stands for?!

couple things are missing from your rant.

first, you apparently have not idea why they 'hate' us, or more explictly our government.

second, about taking out competetion....USA plays the role of a mafia orgaziation, Aghan, IRaq are examples....the majority of ppl in ahgan didnt prove of the bombing of there country...the taliban ask for proof of Osama involement in 9/11, and they would hand over him to the US, this didn't happen. in the case of iraq, they were going to take over it with or without WMDs, the sactions had killed 2 millION INNOCENT ppl in iraq!!!!!!....now with this said, why do they "hate" us?, and its not just a middle east thing, look into US involement in latin america, hundreds of thousands of ppl died, becuase of the US, they would help topple democratic goverments, and place dicatorships that would listen to the US. (the case with Iraq)
peep this thread http://www.siccness.net/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68798

is this the path of righteousness, freedom, and justice?