Mayweather V. Ortiz

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Great fight for the sport.... Who u got?

  • Ortiz by KO

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Mayweather by KO

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • Ortiz by points

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Mayweather by points

    Votes: 42 51.9%

  • Total voters
Feb 3, 2006
A week later and Ortiz still got his ass KO'ed for being a dumbfuck. If you make any mistake you have to pay. LOL. At a legal sucker punch in the middle of a boxing ring. That's gayest shit I've ever heard. Mayweather shouldn't have punched Ortiz in the boxing ring, he should've waited until Ortiz kissed him again, and asked Ortiz if he was ready before he punched him. SMH at this bullshit..
Feb 3, 2006
Imagine if Manny did what to Floyd? If Manny knocked Floyd out after Floyd busted him in the mouth with an illegal headbutt, I'd say that's just what Floyd gets for fighting dirty period.... all prejudice aside.
Why do people always say if this happened to Floyd you would be mad?? No one would be mad, I would be laughing my ass off calling Floyd a dumb ass for dropping his hands.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Why do people always say if this happened to Floyd you would be mad?? No one would be mad, I would be laughing my ass off calling Floyd a dumb ass for dropping his hands.
I'd be calling Floyd a dumbass for headbutting and busting his opponents mouth.... and I'd say it is just what he gets.
May 13, 2002
ortiz was dumb for pulling that unnecessary headbutt that wasn't needed in the first place because he was handling his own pretty well despite all the floyd nuthuggers claiming that floyd was dominating the fight. he was also dumb for not being aware of the situation in the first place and it cost him yes, only because of Cortez's shenanigans.
to be perfectly honest I don't think he was necessarily dumb for headbutting floyd. Like I said prior, he sucks at headbutts because he was too obvious, but with that said I have NO PROBLEM with him fighting floyd dirty if that's what he wants to do. Who's the last person who fought floyd dirty early in a fight? You'd have to go way back (zab fought him dirty but by then it was already round 10 and he was getting his ass kicked). It could have been a good strategy to get floyd pissed off which could have made him make more mistakes if he's fighting off emotions.

Ortiz was an idiot imo because of how apologetic he was. Hey, if you're going to fight dirty BE DIRTY! Be like, "yeah floyd I butted you what?! More is coming this is going to be a looooong night bitch!" lol you know what I mean? Don't kiss him on his cheek, BE ANGRY! Be an asshole! Be intimidating.

I'm a fan of Bernard Hopkins, he's a master of dirty tricks. But he does it right, he does it smart and he never apologizes. You'll never see floyd glove tap someone or hug them during a fight. After, maybe, but never during. His job is to seek and destroy. That's where Victor fucked up imo.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
^In summary, if you're going to make it a dirty fight, keep it a dirty fight. Don't make it a dirty fight, try to kiss and make up and then cry foul when the favor gets returned.


Just Win Baby!!!
Feb 23, 2006
3rd ID
it was a suckerpunch, but so what? some might see me as a floyd hater, but that ain't so. I am a fan of the sport of boxing and floyd is a great boxer. I don't agree with the way he goes about his business. I wish he would just stop the bullshit and fight pac, but I understand why he doesn't. it's all business. if he can make millions fighting against dudes he knows he can beat, then why fight the one man that will actually put him in danger for 12 rounds?

anyway, back to the sucker punch bullshit. it was a disappointing way for the fight to end, but floyd was toying with dude at that point anyway. both the ref and ortiz are idiots. the headbutt could have possibly ended the fight if he had caught floyd with it the right way, so he deserved everything he got after that point. how much time do you need to apologize before getting back to the fight? you already kissed dude once, did he want to suck his dick too? get your hands up and do what you're paid for. how about this, what if ortiz sucker punched floyd while that apology shit was happening? he could have and then what? floyd looks like a dumbass for dropping his guard on a guy that just tried to end the fight with a headbutt.

to me it looked like floyd was pissed off about the headbutt and was ready to get back to fighting. ortiz didn't look like he wanted to, so smack smack.


Apr 25, 2002
Once again, the fool got what he deserved. He took the fight where it shouldn't have gone and he paid the price for it. How many times do you have to hug and dap? Seriously, once was enough but a second and third? The ref should have taken a point off for that shit alone. It's unsportsman like to keep on doing that type of shit.

KEEP YOURSELF PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES. That doesn't just apply when the round is taking place. There have been times where fools snapped, jumped in the ring, etc so protect yourself at all times. Even in the STREETS you need to protect yourself at all times.

Fuck Victor Ortiz.
Mar 24, 2006
Yep... the old saying goes "don't start none it won't be none"

Take off on him as soon as the opportunity presents itself "legally".
Legally only because of the ref's incompetence. Nothing more.

Bitch move. Only people that don't see it this way are the Floyd nuthuggers and undercover dudes that are prejudice against mexicans. You can keep tryin' to downplay it all you want Tony. Floyd is a bitch for what he did. On some coward type shit for real.
Jan 18, 2006
lol even Kah knows the real. Only super dickriding Ortiz fans think Ortiz was gonna actually outland Mayweather and maybe knock him down. Get it through ur thick skull, Ortiz was totally outclassed and his flying headbutt was a bitchmove. Mayweather just was ready to fight and Ortizs dumb ass wasn't cuz he wanted to make out with Floyd instead ole funny style flohawk faggot. What he do take a thizz pill before the fight?


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
What is Argentine talking about? I thought Ortiz was in the fight, I had it 39-38 for Floyd. The 4th was even until Ortiz got a point deducted for the headbutt.