Mayweather V. Ortiz

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Great fight for the sport.... Who u got?

  • Ortiz by KO

    Votes: 10 12.3%
  • Mayweather by KO

    Votes: 24 29.6%
  • Ortiz by points

    Votes: 5 6.2%
  • Mayweather by points

    Votes: 42 51.9%

  • Total voters
Apr 25, 2002
that was some straight wwf shit! ortiz tried to pull some m. bison shit and got slept for it, can't hate mayweather for retaliating. what's wit him spazzin out when he gets asked certain questions thoug? that mufucka more likely to fight merchant before we ever see a fight wit pac. oh and cortez is a mufuckin fool lol!
Feb 3, 2006
Ortiz didn't go out like a G. He fought like bitch.. Manny don't want it with Floyd. Mayweather out classed dude, and said dude can get a rematch.. LOL Who is number one P4P champ again?
Aug 24, 2003
damn would somebody shut mayweather up once and for all
dude is one of the most annoying and classless people on this planet

he beats on women, beats on security guards, who knows what else hes done and gotten away with. hes a true sociopath and disgusting human being
Feb 1, 2009
All though I was rooting for Ortiz he deserves that shit for not keeping them hands up!

Why is it so hard to see a good fight these days. every fight looks suspect these days... SMDH!
Feb 14, 2006
This shits takin too long to convert at Megaupload so heres both download and stream, but stream wont be ready until MU converts the shit. Coulda posted the download hours ago but i thought id wait for both options.



Its hella weird watching Ortiz headbutt the guy while he had him on the ropes. The fuck was he thinkin? Then when Floyd swung at him after the foul he kept his arms down lookin at the dipshit ref for answers.

Victors a god damn idiot.
Dec 6, 2005
im just saying if im fighting sum1 why da fuck am i gonna hug him 4 ortiz did dat shit 2 himself..N mayweather did da same 2 shane mosley but he didnt get knocked out tho ortiz went out like a bitch
Feb 3, 2006
Where are all the Ortiz fans talking about Ortiz is going KO Mayweather? Ortiz is back to a bum to me.. He gave up in this fight.. I thought Ortiz was going to go out like a real Mexican. He's a bitch again in my book.
Oct 25, 2007
tbr i love seeing a good sidebust irl why not in a globally sanctioned world championship boxing bout? and it was legal that made it like 10x better.

mayweather is like the world undisputed world sidebusting champion.
Dec 17, 2004
This night was awesome all the way around. Shot out to all the dummys that hate Mayweather for his shit talking, yall are falling right into his trap and yall are disappointed every time he fights cuz he doesn't lose. Mayweather was controlling the fight and making Ortiz look foolish regardless of what happened, end of story
its not cause he doesnt lose. its who he fights and how he wins. but i doubt too many actually thought he was gonna lose tonight (may knows how to pick them). but he didnt really prove much (same way he didnt prove much by beating a done de la hoya, a done mosley, a little marquez, and some piece of shit scrub named hatton).

thing is, he sucker punched ortiz TWICE...first one was cool, second one was cheap.

ortiz was dirty for his headbutt...he was going in with his head all night, and went overboard on the flying chris benoit one. but he apologized and got a point taken...standard shit. mayweather decided to tag him as payback...ok cool..bitch shit for bitch shit, now theyre even....BUT mayweather went in for a SECOND tko shot when ortiz wasnt even looking. thats where he got extra dirty and it was no longer getting ortiz back for what he did, but just plain cheating. after the first punch may could have just looked at him with his stupid little smile and been like there you go son, dont ever head butt me again....but he just went ahead and decided to win the fight off of a dirty punch. hes a bitch for that and he knows it.

he knows it so much that he kept trying to avoid talking about it. and since merchant isnt a push over and has no desire to lick his cock like 50 cent and some of you on here and persisted on the question, he did what he did with max kellerman and said "im done with this interview" first max kellerman doesnt do a good enough job at interviewing him now larry merchant??? obviously the real problem is he doesnt like hard questions. and like larry said, he knew the pacquiao question was coming.

its really strange to me how some of you just ignore that mayweather does so many things that are opposite to what true men should be. my dad must of raised me too well to ever respect a guy like floyd. and as we all know, he obviously wasnt raised well so that explains why hes so traumatized and acts the way he does

It was like watching wrestling when the refs look away while someone pulls some bitch shit then they turn around and go with it.
LOL!!!!! thats exactly how it was!!! best analysis of the thread.
what is boxing coming to. whats funny is we all were saying how cortez is notorious for ruining fights so we cant be too surprised

oh and for the record, i actually dont like ortiz and didnt want him to be the one to beat mayweather even if he could. i still hope maybe just maybe the pressure will get to may and he'll take a risk of giving pac the fight. pac deserves to give him the L. but it might depend on how bad marquez hurts pac for floyd to feel pac is worn down enough to agree to the fight
Feb 3, 2006
LOL. When are people goinig to understand that Manny is ducking Mayweather? Manny want's no part of Mayweather. I have been saying it for two years now Mayweather KO's Manny easy work. 24/7 had people believing Ortiz was going to win. LOL. But I'm a dick rider talking bout the truth right??? Manny is scared of the ass whipping coming to him take the test, so the fight can be made...
Dec 17, 2004
LOL. When are people goinig to understand that Manny is ducking Mayweather? Manny want's no part of Mayweather. I have been saying it for two years now Mayweather KO's Manny easy work. 24/7 had people believing Ortiz was going to win. LOL. But I'm a dick rider talking bout the truth right??? Manny is scared of the ass whipping coming to him take the test, so the fight can be made...
this again? pac has agreed to the tests. go listen to some 50 cent and play with a rolls royce hot wheel with one dollar bills lying around
Posted at 09/14/2011 8:03 PM | Updated as of 09/15/2011 11:03 AM
MANILA, Philippines – Boxing promoter Bob Arum is not so positive about a possible super fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. in 2012.

"I'm not optimistic," Arum said in "I think Mayweather will look for a way not to do the fight.”

Arum, chief of Top Rank promotions, is sensing that Mayweather will again use the drug-testing issue as his trump card to avoid the Pacquiao bout.

Arum, however, said that it is already a non-issue.

"Manny has taken the position that he would agree to unlimited testing," Arum said. "It is a non-[expletive] issue."

But the looming question is which agency will handle the testing?

Mayweather is being tested by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

Arum, on the other hand, said that the test would have to be done under the overall umbrella of the designated state commission.

He said the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the umbrella agency over USADA, would handle Pacquiao's testing in the Philippines.

"The testing would have to be done by WADA, which means when Manny trains in the Philippines, whoever they use in Asia to do the testing would do it," Arum said.

"When Manny is training in the United States, they would use USADA. WADA gets the agency to supervise the testing in the Philippines,” he added. "But the point is, it all has to be done under the overall authority of the boxing commission wherever you have the fight."

Pacquiao usually holds half of his camp in the Philippines then spends the rest of his training period in California, US.

But Arum believes Mayweather will find another excuse in all of these.

“I smell the initial drum beat of 'You're not allowed to train in the Philippines' because of [who oversees] the testing. Once Mayweather says that, he can go [expletive] himself. Then it becomes a major political issue when he says Manny can't train in his home country,” said Arum

“Besides, nobody would subject themselves to that type of restriction."
Jan 3, 2006
wow .. I understand the first punch was to basically get revenge on the ortiz headbutt. But the knock out punch after, to actually win the fight ? what bitch shit is that. How can you be happy with that win ? honestly