Mass Effect 3

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Jun 11, 2004
If your character was created new in Mass Effect 2 then its fine and it will import properly. If your character was created from a Mass effect 1 import it will not import right at all.

Good review though I disagree about multiplayer I really enjoy the mode personally. To me its what gives ME 3 more replay value than the SP mode.
I created me ugly ass ME3 character in ME 1, and it stayed the same through each game (I changed up the hair each time tho)
Jun 9, 2005
I created me ugly ass ME3 character in ME 1, and it stayed the same through each game (I changed up the hair each time tho)
maybe they did a patch update or maybe its a system difference idk. From what I have read and experienced the ME 3 imports from ME 1 characters don't transfer right. I just started my 2nd playthough and this character was imported from ME 2 and looks fine. My first was an ME 1 import and looked nothing like my original ME 1 character. He actually looked better lol
Apr 2, 2010
What does everyone think of Mass Effect 3's ending ripping off the Deus Ex series?


Even the "dark ages" where Shepard wipes out all of the relays was in 1
Apr 8, 2005
so you have to play multiplayer to get the best ending? you cant just play every ide mission??? cause i just moved and i dont even hve internet anymore, i jump on here using a kindle fire and someone elses wireless in my apartment building... lol


Apr 25, 2002
so you have to play multiplayer to get the best ending? you cant just play every ide mission??? cause i just moved and i dont even hve internet anymore, i jump on here using a kindle fire and someone elses wireless in my apartment building... lol
Yes, you have to play MP in order to get that ending. You either play MP or wait until they patch the game because there is no way possible to get the EMS where it needs to be with SP alone.
Apr 8, 2005
well regardless i really want this game... i have 4 games i would be willing to trade for it... i have gears 3.. and i still have the dom pre order code unused... i have assassins creed revalations with the extra armor code from wal mart unused. i also have crysis 2 and resident evil 5... all the games are in perfect condition with books. i tried taking them all to gamestop and they told me i still would have to pay 10$. so i didnt do it, but if anyone here is interested shoot me a pm
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
Some ME3 news:

A patch is due next week for all systems.
Patch Notes: April 9th – PC. April 10th – Xbox and PS3

Fixed issues when in some cases Shepard’s customized facial features from ME1/ME2 may not be properly imported to ME3
Fixed an issue when quickly and repeatedly selecting to Resume a Save could result in Player Level reset and a potential locking of powers.
Fixed an issue when selecting Multiplayer in the Main Menu while under a poor network connection could result in an unresponsive state.
Fixed a potential crash while accessing an in-game terminal from Eden Prime level.
Fixed an issue when attempting to login while Server is down. It would display a Server Down message and accepting the Server Shutdown message would shut down the game.
Fixed a potential memory crash while loading a Quick Save of a custom FemShep.
Fixed an issue when restarting missions and acquiring an above max amount of weapon mods results in displayed debug text on-screen.
Fixed an issue when an unresponsive game state could occur during transition after the Conduit level.
Fixed an issue when DLC game saves can be accessed from an account without DLC if another account on the same computer has access to the related DLC. (PC Only)
Fixed an issue when saves from different accounts on the same computer may become locked if one account has access to DLC which the other account does not. (PC Only)
Fixed an issue when potentially the game could enter unresponsive state when transitioning from the Holding Docks area to the Normandy Docks area of the Citadel. (PS3 Only)

Also, new multiplayer DLC is coming out next week as well. And it's free.

And an "Extended Cut" DLC has been announced which won't change the ending but will offer more cutscenes to provide closure. It'll come out in the summer for free.
Oct 19, 2008
San Diego
I haven't been able to unlock either Krogan yet, so hopefully with this free DLC, all the new characters are automatically unlocked and not through the packs.

Playing as a Geth looks pretty badass too.
My Krogan soldier is a beast with the Revenant and Geth Plasma Shotgun. Only the maps will be available right away with the new DLC. The weapons and characters will have to be unlocked.
Jun 9, 2005
I haven't been able to unlock either Krogan yet, so hopefully with this free DLC, all the new characters are automatically unlocked and not through the packs.

Playing as a Geth looks pretty badass too.
I unlocked the Krogan solider during the last weekend of the demo it is a beast. Easily the strongest class in the game as far as brute strength goes. The sentinals are strong too but I haven't played as them yet and I am going off what people who have both are telling me. I am not even big on vanguards but if the krogan is anywhere near as fun as the asari vanguard i will be getting many hours of fun in with him
Jun 9, 2005
So Shepard is fighting himself at the end?

Its not really fighting at all really. Your squad and you charge to a beam of light harbinger comes throw and blasts you with one of those red beams and you and Anderson are the only survivors. Anderson is already on the Citadel and you wake up kill a husk and a turian husk and go onto the citadel from that point on there is no actual fighting. Just walking and talking for the most part as you walk into the worst video game ending I have ever seen. Seriously the ending in NBA 2k is better than this.