in this surburban cul-de-sac middle of nowhere city, we got rednecks who fit the description of the stereotypical, beer swelling, truck driving, liquor storing, wife beating, ignorant basturds, that you see on TV or hear about in songs. Their kids are coke sniffing, weed selling, wigger, bandana wearing, blood an crip wannabes, and I ain't just maki this shit up, a white kid walked in with cornrows and a baby blue bandana around his face and threw up a crip sign, and when I walked out another white dude covered in tatoos and a white bandana over his face ran in the store and beat the hell out of the "crip" and the rednecks didn't even give a shit, they just let them fight from the store out into the fucking parking lot, until the police finally got off their lazy donut asses, broke'em up and sent them on their way. Then when I went into "Rite Aid" while I was wearing my ICP t-shirt, some old fat white bitch gave me a dollar and said "I like your shirt",what the fuck is wrong with this city. Yes I know this is whee the "Zodiac Killer" orginated in The Bay, but that dosen't mean that children can become fake ass supposed gang members and parents can drown them out with beer. This isn't Texas !