Whats even more crazy when the bitches are like 15-16 in the club usin a friends I.D is bullshit...when its 21 to get in...and drinkin only way you really goin know if there not really that age if someone lets you know
^^This is the shit that gets me. The dude was honest with the father and the father still turned around and rat fucked him like that. Plus the little hoe is still staying out late? The father should be held responsible. He should be charged with pimpin his daughter out somehow. I know that don't make sense but something along those lines.
If it were my daughter I'd thank the dude for being honest then as soon as he stepped out my front door I'd be looking online for military schools. Find one, tell her she's gone through a stressful situation and to make it up to her I'm sending her to Hawaii. As soon as we got to the airport there would be some escorts waiting to take her ass to military school. Stupid bitch.
he should not have went to her dad first off..that shit happen to my home boi they tried to give him 8 years because some female lied about her age but he did 1 year and got out with 3 years of probation
And this is the dumbest reply of the thread. The people you see on myspace are the same people you see in those places that u said to meet bitches. Not everyone that hooks up off of myspace or any other site is going on there "looking" to hook up.
And this is the dumbest reply of the thread. The people you see on myspace are the same people you see in those places that u said to meet bitches. Not everyone that hooks up off of myspace or any other site is going on there "looking" to hook up.
That dont work no more bitches use fake ids.
Also by loooking at that bitches picture above that bitch does looks like a kid, she dont look 18 or older at all
haha I was trippin off that too. He found it she was underage so he hit up the pops to see what they should do. He should've learned from his mistakes and kept that one on the low.