Man says, "God will save me," then gets eaten by lion

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Nov 1, 2004
^^ lol

i saw this video of a monkey swingin from this tree slappin 2 tigers, pullin there tails, it was pretty funny.
the tigers would hide, the monkey would go on the ground, and jump up inches from being bite.. i was hoping the ending would be the monkey getting eatin, but i was mistaken
Jan 14, 2006
Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
Actually...lions dont live in a "jungle"...they roam open plains in Africa....tigers are jungle are yes,baboons are technically "Kings of the Jungle"....
just so everyone knows these open plains are called savanhas.

the real question is if this guy was some monk of an anti christ cult trying to pull a publicity stunt in front of the public and get true followers that think god will save them from anything scared

or if he had some kind of a mental disability

or even if he just flat out wanted to commit "seppuku"
Nov 11, 2005
Psycho Logic said:
a little off topic.. but the REAL kings of the jungle are NOT lions, they're baboons.. I'd put money on a pack of baboons against a couple lions ANY day of the week.
baboons are fuckin savs
lions are still the king of the jungle imo ;]
Dec 17, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
WTF are you even talking about? "revolutionaries who have faith that going around killing certain ppl..." wtf is that supposed to mean? You’re still not making much sense comrade.

Sorry but I don't know any revolutionaries that go around killing certain people. Failed attempt at humor, please exit thread.

FYI, personally I have faith in absolutely nothing. Faith is the belief in something without or in spite of reason.
dont need to get all pissy comrade, I wasnt trying to be funny. I was just making a comparison to someone like che guevara who was a guy who thought that through violent guerilla warfare (which means killing ppl that he felt needed to be killed) hed be able to bring about positive change in the world. it could be said that its ironic that he was fighting to bring eventual justice and peace to bolivia, but rather than kill the imperialist supporters ended up being killed himself, and bolivia continued to go on with its exploitive ways. the bond guevara and the woman have is that they both died doing something that reasonably was not likely to end up the way they had planned. i dont know if you find guevaras death funny, but if he were a deeply religious person maybe then you would
May 16, 2002
The thing I don't understand is how did the zoo let this happen? None of the workers called security when they saw the dude on a rope? Access shouldn't be that easy to a lions den.
Nov 14, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
"The man shouted 'God will save me, if he exists', lowered himself by a rope into the enclosure, took his shoes off and went up to the lions," the official said."A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery."
lmao....sound like somethin straight out the "family guy" cartoon show.

i gotta quote that.
May 13, 2002
BUTCHER 206 said:
So why do you bother being alive?

Because this is my one chance at life and I choose to make the best of it.

If you truly had faith in absolutely nothing then you would not believe that there is such a thing as human destiny
I do not believe in destiny.

or the idea that we are alive for some reason.
I do not believe we are alive for any kind of reason, other than the nature of life itself - live/die and everything in-between (human emotion; love, happiness, pleasure, etc. etc. etc.).

I don't believe you at all when you say you have faith in absolutely nothing;
Why is this so hard to understand? As I stated, Faith is the beleif in something without or in spite of reason. I live my life around logic and rational thought and faith is a direct contridiction to logic.

if that were true, you would have long ago killed yourself.
Why so? Just because I do not place any beliefs into irrational thought does not mean my life is empty or any different from the next man. Scientific, rational, logical thought are all I need. I do not need to place "faith" into unsuported "theories" to make me happy.

If you don't have the guts to blow your brains out or jump off of a 100 story building, then you must truly believe that you are living for some reason, that your life has some value, and so you have faith.
I live for my comrades and myself, nothing more. No faith required.

BTW I found the original and subsequent articles to be very humorous; humorous because of the gross recklessness of the people towards the animals, and because of the irony of what happened to the woman who was praying for her family. Not because I have my own agenda against faith
I posted the article because of the irony, not because of any agenda against their faith. I have stated numerous times I can care less what people beleive in.
May 13, 2002
carl winslow]dont need to get all pissy comrade, I wasnt trying to be funny. I was just making a comparison to someone like che guevara who was a guy who thought that through violent guerilla warfare (which means killing ppl that he felt needed to be killed) hed be able to bring about positive change in the world. it could be said that its ironic that he was fighting to bring eventual justice and peace to bolivia, but rather than kill the imperialist supporters ended up being killed himself, and bolivia continued to go on with its exploitive ways.
Obviously you know little about Che. He was a man you did not believe in simply killing "ppl that he felt needed to be killed" rather, he believed in working class revolution; i.e Marxism/leninism. There is no comparison in a man fighting for freedom for the poor/working class/oppressed and a lunitic walking into a lion cage. Sorry comrade.


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
Dark Shadow said:
Help if some1 was trying to kill him

this mother fucker was almost taken OUT by a pretzel u dumbass....and im sure theres plenty of people who wanna kill his ass.
Dec 17, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Obviously you know little about Che. He was a man you did not believe in simply killing "ppl that he felt needed to be killed" rather, he believed in working class revolution; i.e Marxism/leninism. There is no comparison in a man fighting for freedom for the poor/working class/oppressed and a lunitic walking into a lion cage. Sorry comrade.
i never said he "simply" believed in killing ppl that he felt needed to be killed. but did he not feel that those who opposed the revolution needed to be executed? for his working class revolution to be successful he felt that certain ppl who stood in the way needed to be killed. but just like what was likely to happen, those standing in the way ended up killing him. theres a reason why che was seen as an idealist...because he tried to accomplish something that "reasonably" and "logically" was not likely to be accomplished. to me such a persistent fight had to involve some type of faith (not in god, but in an out of the ordinary, unexpected, unlikely result), and i admire him greatly for that. the comparison i was making was between two ppl who died doing something and expecting a result that most ppl would find to be "reasonably" and "logically" unlikely.
Dec 17, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Why is this so hard to understand? As I stated, Faith is the beleif in something without or in spite of reason. I live my life around logic and rational thought and faith is a direct contridiction to logic.
since there has been no type of solid proof that a god does not exist, could it be said that a person who considers themself an athiest is basing their belief that he/she knows there is no existance of a god on some type of faith in something? or do you consider there to be reasonable evidence that a god did not create the origin of living matter? not trying to disprove you or anything, just curious to know what you think
May 13, 2002
carl winslow said:
i never said he "simply" believed in killing ppl that he felt needed to be killed. but did he not feel that those who opposed the revolution needed to be executed? for his working class revolution to be successful he felt that certain ppl who stood in the way needed to be killed. but just like what was likely to happen, those standing in the way ended up killing him. theres a reason why che was seen as an idealist...because he tried to accomplish something that "reasonably" and "logically" was not likely to be accomplished. to me such a persistent fight had to involve some type of faith (not in god, but in an out of the ordinary, unexpected, unlikely result), and i admire him greatly for that. the comparison i was making was between two ppl who died doing something and expecting a result that most ppl would find to be "reasonably" and "logically" unlikely.
Heading a successful revolution is not some crazy idea that is impossible to accomplish. After all, it was only a few short years prior that Che was apart of the successful Cuban revolution.

Again, I still think the comparison is weak. On the one hand, you have an obvious lunatic jumping into a lion den (none of us know his motives btw, perhaps he was suicidal) on the other you have a man who attempted to head a workers revolution (which is not lunacy for it has been accomplished numerous times in the past (Cuba, China, Russia, the Paris Commune, Germany, Hungry, Korea, Indonesia, etc.) only to be assassinated by the CIA or CIA backed assasins.

One is based likely on the belief, or faith, in an unproven god, the other is based on an ideology and proven/successful revolutionary tactics.

since there has been no type of solid proof that a god does not exist
There is also no solid proof that Leprechauns or unicorns do not exist. Proving something does NOT exit is a mighty tricky thing to do comrade.

could it be said that a person who considers themself an athiest is basing their belief that he/she knows there is no existance of a god on some type of faith in something?
There is no faith required because I do not hold the belief that god does not exist, rather I lack the belief in god (and yes, there is a difference).

Remember, Atheism simply means the lack of belief in a god or gods. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not a belief system rather a lack thereof.

or do you consider there to be reasonable evidence that a god did not create the origin of living matter?
As far as the biblical god, or [insert popular religion here] god goes, then yes there is reasonable evidence that disproves their gods.
Dec 17, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Heading a successful revolution is not some crazy idea that is impossible to accomplish. After all, it was only a few short years prior that Che was apart of the successful Cuban revolution.

Again, I still think the comparison is weak. On the one hand, you have an obvious lunatic jumping into a lion den (none of us know his motives btw, perhaps he was suicidal) on the other you have a man who attempted to head a workers revolution (which is not lunacy for it has been accomplished numerous times in the past (Cuba, China, Russia, the Paris Commune, Germany, Hungry, Korea, Indonesia, etc.) only to be assassinated by the CIA or CIA backed assasins.

One is based likely on the belief, or faith, in an unproven god, the other is based on an ideology and proven/successful revolutionary tactics.
but the success of the cuban revolution was just the success of a battle not the war. ches plan was to spread the revolution all throuout latin america, africa, the third world etc. and that understandingly has not proven to be successful to this day. no knock on che...i think hes the man, and i wish his revolution would succeed. basically i was just trying to bring up the death of a person who you might not find humorous and compare to the death of another the person you did find humorous. but though it still makes some sense to me, i could see how its a stretch.

2-0-Sixx said:
There is also no solid proof that Leprechauns or unicorns do not exist. Proving something does NOT exit is a mighty tricky thing to do comrade.

There is no faith required because I do not hold the belief that god does not exist, rather I lack the belief in god (and yes, there is a difference).

Remember, Atheism simply means the lack of belief in a god or gods. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not a belief system rather a lack thereof.

As far as the biblical god, or [insert popular religion here] god goes, then yes there is reasonable evidence that disproves their gods.
i see. i was always under the impression that being an athiest meant havin an assured belief that theres no god. but im basing this on some athiest convention that i tried to get into just to check out, and realized i had to sign a paper that stated something like "i believe that god does not exist" and had to pay like $100.

how bout this one: would you say it takes some type of faith to believe that there will be a communist revolution and the world will one day live in a utopian society, despite the current nature of man? or would you say theres reasonable evidence to believe this is possible? again, not trying to stump you or anything, i just find topics like this interesting
May 13, 2002
carl winslow said:
but the success of the cuban revolution was just the success of a battle not the war. ches plan was to spread the revolution all throuout latin america, africa, the third world etc. and that understandingly has not proven to be successful to this day.
You're incorrect comrade. Look into "the theory of Permanent Revolution" which was first suggested by Leon Trotsky. The theory is that once revolution occurs in one country, socialist revolutions will spread to neighboring societies. This theory was proven fact immediately after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, when revolution in fact did spread to Germany (1918-1919) and all throughout Europe (although many of those revolutions were eventually “stopped,” the theory was proven nonetheless).

no knock on che...i think hes the man, and i wish his revolution would succeed. basically i was just trying to bring up the death of a person who you might not find humorous and compare to the death of another the person you did find humorous. but though it still makes some sense to me, i could see how its a stretch.
I can care less if you or anyone else knocks che or someone I admire (not saying you are), the only issue I have is that the comparison is not valid, imo.

i see. i was always under the impression that being an athiest meant havin an assured belief that theres no god. but im basing this on some athiest convention that i tried to get into just to check out, and realized i had to sign a paper that stated something like "i believe that god does not exist" and had to pay like $100.
There are variations of Atheism (strong or hard/soft or weak); weak atheism is the lack or absence of belief in deities, without the additional claim that deities do not exist, which is most common. Strong is the lack or absence of belief in deities, with the claim that deities do not exist. Personally I think it is illogical that any deity can exist, but I simply say there is lack of evidence. (I consider myself somewhere between, if that makes sense).

how bout this one: would you say it takes some type of faith to believe that there will be a communist revolution and the world will one day live in a utopian society, despite the current nature of man? or would you say theres reasonable evidence to believe this is possible?
The latter. People can and do have faith in things other than god, personally I do not. There is no telling what could happen in the future (for all we know an asteroid or some shit could hit us tomorrow). I think analyzing data and predicting the likely outcome is rational, but never holding absolute faith in something w/o supporting evidence. That is irrational and can be very unhealthy.

again, not trying to stump you or anything, i just find topics like this interesting
No worries.