skin color has a lot to do with everything today give a fucking break. why dont you go tell the police "you shouldnt pay that much attention to the color of somebodies skin". dont get me wrong these guys can rhyme but at the end of the day theyre still white boys. white boys get a pass in this society everywhere they go. just because these foos have tatts and hang around niggers doesnt make them cool. its kind of like what that one dude said in the video about v-nasty how once white people get arrested they start pulling out that white people umbrella. it reminds me of that sketch in the onion movie where the white kid is acting like a nigger in front of the liqour store and once the cops pulled up he started talking about helping out in the community bakery or what not rofl. whatever tho you white boys can have rap shits been dead since tupac got shot
Yourself are the 1 making the difference. In Holland we live in a multicultural society (just like America) but it doesnt matter what colour you are its more about the youth and hangin on the streets and the elders calling us "scum" and if your a "nerd" no matter what colour than people will give you a pass! Nothing to do with colour.
Ill give you an example: When somebody of my friends havent got enough money to pay back the bussdriver he needs to get out but when a granny or a beautifull woman does it than she get a pass. Wouldnt matter wich colour the granny or my friends would be!
And I got thrown into jail more often than my coloured friends (even for shit I didnt do) because their scared for the people that are going to call it racism. Reminds me kinda like you tho.
Maybe its true in America but not all around the world.