Only time I ever even HEARD OF this dude Mac Rell was when a minute or so long YouTube video surfaced out of nowhere along with a pre order on rapbay for a supposed "jacka and Mac Rell" album... With the Jack mumbling something and a whole lot of nothing being said, done, explained or promoted... LOL.... @ least that's what my memory is telling me.. There MIGHT have been a fifteen SECOND snippet of a PREVIEW of ONE song.. But that's it... I guess other people HAVE heard of him.. Lol... But as far as him spending time speaking down on Mess or hating... I would bet my bottom dollar he owns the whole Marvin collection @ home.. Regardless not only is he worried about what another grown man is doing period but it's a weak attempt to gain publicity by slandering the already ruined character Messy has.. U don't kick a man while he down.. Keep it pushin and walk on by.....