Originally posted by Cesolito #1
No disrespect
But Luda is way tighter!
This was a joke, right... ?
I just spent half an hour trying to find a good file so I could hear this shit. It does seem the delivery is definitely bitten, but most people won't pick that up, so he'll get away with it. There's no way you can teach everyone the basics of delivery and rhyme patterns just to show them that a mainstream artist bit off one less heard of. And I can just about guarantee that any artist that has any respect for actual flow and ability owns Absolute Power, or at least I think they should. I'd be willing to bet Luda's heard it. I used to hate Ludacris, just cause he seemed like a bitch, but I like him more now, but that is weak of him to do... Like everyone's said, you can't rip a whole rhyme off and then tell people you're original.