I don't about LOWDOWN & DRF getting together, but I don't think they would be as big as before right now. I don't know about all that stuff "C-MAN" is talking, but some of it definately don't sound right. Who even is C-MAN (kind of sounds like semen)? He sure talks like he knows DRF well, but says FAMILIA came after it really did. Didn't DRF help make Minority Militia, which LOWDOWN brags so much about?
Fools love to try & dis DRF, by mentioning Capone & SPM are scraps. Capone was claiming bp & SPM isn't a scrap. Usually when someone calls people niggers, they are really the 1's that fit that discription. How can you know about someone, but not have heard of him? I don't know all about LOWDOWN, but there's also rumors on here about them & not only DRF. LOWDOWN aren't all from LA or scraps & neither is DYNO.
Did anyone even say DYNO was a scrap in the beginning of this thread? I know fools have called DYNO a scrap, but I didn't notice it in the beginning of this thread. Rat is cousins with Mike dog & Eddie from lowdown? Who's Eddie from LOWDOWN? I heard Eddie AKA E-CLIPS is cousins with rat or something like that, but he isn't even in LOWDOWN.
All of their music isn't the same either. How are you going to say DRF recycles, but LOWDOWN doesn't? You must not know about those groups too much.