If You Witness this on the Daily my question to u is: Are you Handling bizz yo'self? Are you Gettin at the youngsters Giving them Sum Guidance? Im Not SUre How every hood is, But I know Quite A bit of youngsters doing sum time for getting involved in bizz, And This Time of age They Breaking dudes off not for 2-3 yrs. They really breaking them off with years, Plus the Gang Enhancement which is really fucked up. The new Generation is a lil different but every Generation has been, we cant be like these lil potnaz are all weenies cuz there sum ryderz just like when u grew up, ANd there sum suckaz that snitch just like when u grew up. Much Luv To EVeryone thats remained solid & Still Keep Pushin & Striving For A Better LIfe FOr all our Gente....