You say I’m a hater or whatever, I don’t give a fuck.
hate (h t)
v. hat•ed, hat•ing, hates
v. tr.
a. To feel hostility or animosity toward.
b. To detest.
2. To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes.
I dislike Dr. Dre. I do not like his music, I do not like what he represents, I do not like his personality, I do not like what he has contributed to the music industry, I don’t like his capitalist mentality, etc. etc. etc.
When people criticize Bush or say “fuck bush” are they “haters”? lol, who gives a fuck if I don’t like Dre, what, am I NOT entitled to have my own opinion?
becuz he has accomplished so much and therefore u must hate on him?
lol, yeah, dawg, that is exactly why I don’t like dre. I thought I made it perfectly clear that I don’t give a fuck how many records he sold or how much skrill he made. In my eyes money doesn’t make the man.
I don’t like eminem, am I a “hater?”
I don’t like Jay-Z, am I a “hater?”
I don’t like George Bush, am I a “hater?”
I don’t like Saddam Hussain, am I a “hater?”
So many people these days are so confused on “the game” and what the “game” represents. Is it strictly about money and popularity? Maybe, if that’s all you want it to be. Personally I look at music as simply that: MUSIC. Fuck the fame, fuck the money, and fuck the popularity. In my eyes a true artist is one who remains true and can look past all the bullshit in the industry and make music simply for the love of music and not money and status. Dre a good artist? Lol, if making money and winning awards on MTV is the definition of artist then yes, but if content of lyrics is the definition then no, he is not.
and i guess based on your theory its better to hate someone for what they have done than to congratulate them?
You just pulling shit out of your ass now ‘cuz no where did I say anything remotely similar.