dude are you serious? i had a 4.0 in ms. walton's class. lol. now you look stupid. i'm not dub the A"S! telll me so and i didn't even seen that billy bean movie. probably did no blow with a 13 year old kid sitting right next to me tonight. he didn't know he thought i was silly and was talking about how sweet it'll be when he gets a car. i asked him if he ever got puss and holy shit, fellas, this kid has had some fucking puss. he's like that kid from rescue me that fucks his teacher but he also fucks every girl he knows. so yeah, perty much the man. he runs the city. i heard some jcats talking shit at campus marcus and was like "what you guys talking about that 13 yEAR old kid that runs rosa?
and they were like yeah
ting some knew shorts and tight pants so i can tho guys. if you can figuree. relat. it's relay not a big deal \
st that is all human
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and yeah i was like fuck yeah that's my nigga and i know gucci mane so that's cool that i said that even tho i'm wearing jamacus russel jersey shorts for bottoms. vnasty and 13 year old kids are the treand shitters and i'm thing ing about ge