I didnt say anything about your mixtapes. And I took a picture of something someone else wrote. Its funny dude actually mailed me something. If you have a problem with what he's doin I suggest you take it up with him. But dont think I have any opinion about what you and him are doing, and watch who youre calling a dick rider.
i dont want any problems 925
im not gonna lie he went out of his way to clown me and mail you some nonsense i feel honored, i dont have a legitimate problem with him or you or any other poster on here and im glad i could start a trend however was just explaining to Shea what the situation was. its ok to acknowledge that you participating in the initial literofhomo thread and then starting this thread you knew that it was poking fun at me so it should be understandable that i explain it as such.
the way i look at it is either you ride with me or your against me ya know? no gray area
I have a pretty quality real life so i dont care about this siccness shit
as much promotions ive done on here for my vagina pageant and chevy metal mix cds and pageant dvds and now best breasts in the west ive sold virtually nothing on this site and have yet to see anyone from the siccness support any of my events in real life. The reason i do it you ask?
to keep the siccness interesting and my friends on here up to date on my recent happenings
im the man in portlanddotoregon could give a fuck less what the lames think about me in siccnessdotnet and thats from the heart