Damnit Lick My Dick....
W.T.F. is up with all that homie... For one it doesn't sound right, and two, he isn't responding because it's stupid... What did Justin do for you to even write something so lame dogg...
My view of you is a 17 year old kid that aint had a lick of pussy because you speak so much on it, it lets us all know that you are a virgin, cause pussy is over rated, and all isnt good, and the location you put on there "In yo moma's pussy!" I mean dude... That's too much playin'...
When people advertise what they are about before someone usually asks, it's either... One, they aint never had shit and when they do get some little shit they want everyone to know... Two, they dont have it, or aint never had it, and can't prove it so that claims to be all that person is about... & Three, your fake, and want to be accepted, so you gotta lie to kick it... That's just some young shit dude. You gotta cool that man, Justin aint on that shit anymore and you trying to strike up some beef with him show's how young you really are...
Save yourself some "DotCom" enemies, and just be yourself... We dont know you, so it aint impressing anyone here dogg... That's gay shit and we aint on that. At least when you say someone's lickin' on your dick, please specify exactly who, and hopefully it isn't the same sex, cause you will be stuck with a perverted label right under your username....