Don't matter, just think what you want to think. We all have our own tastes and ideas.
I just personally think your being too critical on Mexican rappers in general. And the only reason why I'm using Black rappers as an example is because who else might you be listening to??? Obviously, blacks dominate the rap force, therefore I'm making the assumption that anything you compare Mexican rappers to, is that of black rappers. Then when you say, 98% mexican rappers lack what I want from a rap artist which is Delivery,wordplay,lyrics,and charisma, I'm assuming your basing all those attributes from your experiences of listening to black rappers. Seriously, who dominants rap, it's the african american community, therefore anything anyone else does will get compared to them. I don't know, but do you want Mexican rappers to say words like "nigga" or just talk in pure slang, I certainly don't because that ain't a part of our culture, that's African American culture. That's why I think Chicano rappers do what they do (including Lil Rob, the lame you don't like), they ain't trying to be black and that should be respected I think. If blacks can acknowledge their own cultural lifestyles, why can't Mexicans do the same? If blacks can throw in a silly line about eating chicken, why can't Chicano rappers throw in a silly line about eating tortillas? If anything that gives us more variety to choose from when it comes to Rap.