it aint hard "down skrap" where you went I guess, but I know you know where it's truly deep and that's probably why you avoided it all together in your reply. Not that they don't have a gang of neighborhoods, but much of the 909 and SD pale in comparison to the harshness of SCLA and ELA varrios. Where is this supposed Norteno hood in the 909 by the way? I hear so much about it on this board but no one has any facts on it. I will just continue to think it is bullshit until I see proof because I first saw something on it over a year ago and there still is nothing to back it up anywhere, not even on here. The 909 is pretty dead though and it looks like some undeveloped 559-209-530-916 areas with it's farms sometimes so I would definitely believe it before I would believe there is a Norteno varrio in L.A.