Wow... there are some morons on this board.....
Anyway, I used to smoke 1.5 packs a day and I quit cold turkey (at least I call it cold turkey since I didnt need a patch, gum, or any other form of weening myself from them). It is all about will power. If you want to quit bad enough, it will not be a problem. I just got sick of spending money on something that is killing me and doesnt do a damn thing for me besides take my money and kill me. What also helped me quit was smoking blunts. I smoked a lot of blunts and they gave me a enough nicotine to where I had no craving for a cigarette. If you smoke weed and usually have a cigarette after smoking weed, smoke a batty afterwards.
As far as caffeine goes, I was addicted to that, too. Everyday before school I would buy a 1 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. After school I would go home and down another 6 pack of DP. So I quit that cold turkey as well. I have an occaisional soda every now and then, but anything with caffeine gives me a headache now. I never got into drinking coffee though. That shit is nasty. I cant even stand the smell of it. I like cappucino though... especially French vanilla.
Good luck quitting smoking man. Just keep thinking that it is doing NOTHING for you besides killing you and taking your money.