lol , I didnt think you would take offense to what I said, If you did then my far as me being a bitch im faaaaaaaaar from that.............
If you re-read what was said.... Bullet is referring to Khevlar and puttin' that bitch on the track... and if you deliver him hookin' YOU up with a finders as a matter of fact I'd be willing to put up the entire fee myself..
That sucks, I spilt Crunchberry's on my keyboard one time. Youy can get a new Keyboard for like $9.99 at CompUSA, I feel partially responsible for this mishap. You can take the price of the lyeboard out of my bounty. money is hilarious and I could use a few extra Benji's......where was Khevi boy's last known location? Tippin' cows in Monroe? lmao :devious:
I couldnt tell you.. last I heard dude was sayin' how he had a girl in Boise and was comin' to my house to make shit happen... but I'm sure he's up in Monroe drinking and being King of his Granny's house.