Mr. ViNN707 said:
Why, You hate a punk azz skrap more than the WHITE gov that put U iN thiz peice of shit LIFE style... LEFT U BROKE... TURNED your Motherz in to dope fienz... MADE your carnal a inmate... FUCK YOU THIs Is biGGer than that sHIT we sPITTIN... come oN Now let a fuckiN $krap B a $krap N da $outh N let a Chap B a Chap N da 14oRtE... FUCK THEM WANNA BEEZ.... LET THA $oLJAZ RUN $hit... Im tired of hering sKrapz sAyiNg they RuN sHIT up NORTE N Im Tired Of NORTENOZ $AYING $KRAPZ DOWN sOUTH aiNT sHIT... IF THAT WUZ TRU THERE WOULD BE NORTENOZ DOWN $OUTH N NOTHING BUT surenoz UP NORTE... THEM $crapz dowN $outh DoNt re$pect Tha $crapz UP North but them REAL $crapz No Not to come up NORTE... Thatz respect oN both ENDZ RECONIZE.. . Quit BUlLsHiting our $elvez