Latin America - US Interventionism, General Info, etc.

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Apr 25, 2002
But communists view capitalism as the enemy and capitalists view communism as the enemy then why react any different?

The primary goal of the people who have power is to maintain that power. If someone else poses a threat to that power doesn't it make sence to try and eliminate it?
Jul 24, 2002
So has the US done right in their policy against Communism?
What do they say is wrong about Communism?
It doesn't work, it's a form of oppression. And what do they do?
They close off all trades with Cuba and warn everyone else who might trade with them, "Trade with Cuba, and you'll never do business with us". Thus you create the poverty that's killing Cubans as we speak.
And what did Reagan do about Panama?
He invaded Panama just like Hussein invaded Kuwait.
His troops killed thousands of civilians. It's funny how people have selective memories. All you hear in the media is the massive grave sights that have been uncovered in Iraq.
But what about the massive grave sights in Panama that have been uncovered recently????
Apr 25, 2002
It doesn't matter what they say communism is. The issue i'm trying to point out is that communism means the end of capitalism. End of capitalism means the end of the way of life for all those that have power in this country. Why would they want to see the end of their power and life style? They don't, so they do what they think is best to prevent the spread of communism.

I'm not saying i think what the U.S. has done is in the best intrests of the people in these countries or that they haven't killed anyone or anything like that.

I am sayin that if they see a threat to their power why would they not try to eliminate it?

Communists want to eliminate capitalists, why wouldn't capitalists not want to eliminate communists?
May 13, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
It doesn't matter what they say communism is. The issue i'm trying to point out is that communism means the end of capitalism. End of capitalism means the end of the way of life for all those that have power in this country. Why would they want to see the end of their power and life style? They don't, so they do what they think is best to prevent the spread of communism.

I'm not saying i think what the U.S. has done is in the best intrests of the people in these countries or that they haven't killed anyone or anything like that.

I am sayin that if they see a threat to their power why would they not try to eliminate it?

Communists want to eliminate capitalists, why wouldn't capitalists not want to eliminate communists?
There was a time in history when people had morals.
Apr 25, 2002
Better dead than red.

People tend to die in armed struggles for power. If the state survies and holds power then why would they care if some people died?


If you were a capitalist running the U.S. government how would you eliminate a threat to your power by some atheistic commies without shedding any blood?
May 13, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
Better dead than red.

People tend to die in armed struggles for power. If the state survies and holds power then why would they care if some people died?


If you were a capitalist running the U.S. government how would you eliminate a threat to your power by some atheistic commies without shedding any blood?
Better Red then lead.

Its impossible for me to imagine my mindset if I was running the U.S government, but I can say there are plenty of non-violent methods of war that have worked in the past. One of course is the wide spread use of propaganda. Second would be placing sanctions, similar to cuba and third would be a combination of propaganda and inserting your own political party (puppets) inside your "enemies" homeland.

Personally, I believe that humans can have two opposite style belief systems and still live in harmony.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

Its impossible for me to imagine my mindset if I was running the U.S government, but I can say there are plenty of non-violent methods of war that have worked in the past. One of course is the wide spread use of propaganda. Second would be placing sanctions, similar to cuba and third would be a combination of propaganda and inserting your own political party (puppets) inside your "enemies" homeland.
That hasn't worked too well with the Cubans.
Jul 24, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
It doesn't matter what they say communism is. The issue i'm trying to point out is that communism means the end of capitalism. End of capitalism means the end of the way of life for all those that have power in this country. Why would they want to see the end of their power and life style? They don't, so they do what they think is best to prevent the spread of communism.

I'm not saying i think what the U.S. has done is in the best intrests of the people in these countries or that they haven't killed anyone or anything like that.

I am sayin that if they see a threat to their power why would they not try to eliminate it?

Communists want to eliminate capitalists, why wouldn't capitalists not want to eliminate communists?
Ugh..... I don't see China and Cuba tryin to take over the world....
I don't see them attacking any country who converts to Capitalism....

Why should "I" feel threatenned if one South American country goes communist? How is that a threat to "my" security?
Jul 7, 2002
miggidy said:
Ugh..... I don't see China and Cuba tryin to take over the world....
I don't see them attacking any country who converts to Capitalism....

Why should "I" feel threatenned if one South American country goes communist? How is that a threat to "my" security?
Cubans have spread there message to other countries, and have acted out...take the ELN in columbia, trained by cuba...As for China, they helped N korea during their war.
Jul 7, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
It doesn't matter what they say communism is. The issue i'm trying to point out is that communism means the end of capitalism. End of capitalism means the end of the way of life for all those that have power in this country. Why would they want to see the end of their power and life style? They don't, so they do what they think is best to prevent the spread of communism.

I'm not saying i think what the U.S. has done is in the best intrests of the people in these countries or that they haven't killed anyone or anything like that.

I am sayin that if they see a threat to their power why would they not try to eliminate it?

Communists want to eliminate capitalists, why wouldn't capitalists not want to eliminate communists?
thats another thing about capitalism and communism. In today's world both have centralized power, in the US its in the form of Corporations. Those ppl that run them are the ones making policy.
HERESY has brough this subject up before the WTO, and IMF, and trilateral commission.
Jul 24, 2002
nefar559 said:
Cubans have spread there message to other countries, and have acted out...take the ELN in columbia, trained by cuba...As for China, they helped N korea during their war.
Like the CIA doesn't doesn't do the same shit the Cubans attempted to do.
But good info....

As for China, N. Korea's their redhead stepdaughter.