LA's own will attempt to become the first Mexican American Heavyweight Champ

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May 13, 2002
him crying just showed how much the fight meant to him. Most guys that fight the Klitschko's they go in there knowing they are going to lose and they just want that payday.

The big nip showed a lot of heart. Vitali made it an impossible task because he was fighting from the outside and wouldn't allow chris to get inside. I don't really respect vitali for fighting like that, heavyweights should go for the KO.

I wish they didn't stop the fight, the big nip could have gone the distance and he would have been only the second man to do so if not for the ref.
Aug 31, 2003
him crying just showed how much the fight meant to him. Most guys that fight the Klitschko's they go in there knowing they are going to lose and they just want that payday.

The big nip showed a lot of heart. Vitali made it an impossible task because he was fighting from the outside and wouldn't allow chris to get inside. I don't really respect vitali for fighting like that, heavyweights should go for the KO.

I wish they didn't stop the fight, the big nip could have gone the distance and he would have been only the second man to do so if not for the ref.
He forced his corner to stop the fight and it wasn't from just jabbing .. it's because Arreola was starting to get lit up. It wasn't just the ref you can clearly see his cornerman agreeing with the ref to stop the fight .. I wouldn't doubt that a stoppage for Vitali if it would've continued anyway. He was starting to find him a lot easier and with more power.
May 13, 2002
obviously it was more then just the jab and sure, maybe his cornermen were going to stop it too, but the fighter Arreola certainly didn't want it stopped and thought he could finish, that's all I'm sayin he showed heart in wanting to go the distance and I'm sure he'd rather be KO'd by Vitali then quit.

Doesn't matter in the end a L is an L.

But he did do a lot better than I expected. I thought he'd get KO'd early, or at least knocked down a couple times before a stoppage.
Aug 31, 2003
obviously it was more then just the jab and sure, maybe his cornermen were going to stop it too, but the fighter Arreola certainly didn't want it stopped and thought he could finish, that's all I'm sayin he showed heart in wanting to go the distance and I'm sure he'd rather be KO'd by Vitali then quit.

Doesn't matter in the end a L is an L.

But he did do a lot better than I expected. I thought he'd get KO'd early, or at least knocked down a couple times before a stoppage.
I thought he was gonna get crushed too .. but that's just a bad example to use. I've seen that scenario play over and over where the fighter wanted to continue .. that doesn't make it a bad stoppage. If he would've rather gotten KO'd then get stopped by his corner then he should've gotten completely reckless and went all out and I'm sure Vitali would've obliged.


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
I'm glad they stopped this fight. That was a brutal beating, and I don't care how much heart you got, those blows could end the career of a fighter or cause him to never be the same in the ring. Had he got killed or hurt really badly, nobody would be saying at least he had heart, they'd be saying why didn't they stop the fight. He had absolutely no chance to win this fight. The only way he could win is if Vitali got on his knees and put his hands behind his back and let Arreola tee off on him. Arreola lacked any real boxing skill that would pose problems for such a big fighter. They really need to consider making a Super Heavyweight class because there is no way any Heavyweight (including Haye) that has any kind of chance of beating either of the Klitchko brothers.

I will say that Arreola can take a hell of a punch. He got a chin made of steel and I now no why he is a contender. He is short on skill, but has power and a helluva chin. So if you lack skill as he does and can't knock him out, you stand the chance of getting KO'd. He'll have a short career span, but as some of yall put it, he'll be fun to watch until he gets hurt.


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
I don't see it happening. They value family more than those belts. They are both wealthy and I don't think they would be able to live with the stain of putting business before family. I'm sure behind closed doors they spar, so between the two of them, they definitely know who the better fighter is. They also know the American fans want to them destroy each other and see one of them carried out on a stretcher and they are too smart to let that happen. It would have to be a grossly huge amount of money to make it happen. And if it did happen, I guarantee it would be a very closely orchestrated and choreographed fight that would be quite boring. Almost like a Serena vs. Venus tennis match. They're not gonna go all out against each other. Who wants to see that?
Dec 9, 2005
I've heard though that they had to stop sparring with each other because the sessions would get too heated. Manny Steward said on Saturday that they go at something serious.

A few years ago, whenever asked about the possibility, either brother would flat out tell you that it would never happen, but more recently it sounds like they've both been more open to the possibility.


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
@ 2-0-Sixx... That is one of the gayest pictures of the Klitcko brothers but it just goes to show you that they are very comfortable being who they are. I guarantee the option of one of the two brothers publicly losing to each other is out of the question. They take family weakness and respect very serious. As you can see, they would rather pose naked together ( in what they probably deem an artistically valuable picture) in some kind of show of unity than embarrass one another in a fight that would clearly alienate one or the other. I sure hope that pic is doctored and they were shot individually.
May 13, 2002
no it's not doctored they have a bunch of pics like that but that's the whole Euro thing shit like that is acceptable over there.

The heavyweight division is so shit right now the only fight is klitschko vs klitschko. No one else is even worth mentioning. I mean sure there is david haye but realistically he has no better shot than Arreola; just too small.

They say the heavyweight division comes and goes in cycles so hopefully soon we see some new talent because it's pretty sad when Arreola is viewed as the BEST american heavyweight prospect!


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
You took the words right out of my mouth. Arreola gets respect, but in no way is he a Boxing prospect. He might be a Tough man champion, but in terms of boxing, hell nah. To keep it real, the heavyweights have been on a serious decline since the mid 90's after all the good heavyweights basically destroyed each other. Once they started to focus so much on Tyson, it seemed like the heavyweight marketing was one sided. Once he went to jail in 91, we were left with Lennox Lewis, A small but game Holyfield and Riddick Bowe and none of those fighters had the pizazz or marketing ability to really keep the Heavyweight game afloat. All three were good fighters, but outside of them, you had a bunch of fighters being thrown to the wolves before their careers could fully develop. We wanted Tyson back so badly, and once out of jail, he never got a chance to get back into real boxing shape and got destroyed by fighters he would have easily beaten years earlier. I mean seriously, were those two set up fights really enough to consider him ready to fight Holyfield, a fighter who had been in many wars while Tyson was locked up? Any real boxing fan will know he got thrown to the wolves because of his marketing value. Unfortunately the game of boxing is making the mistake of focusing on a few fighters instead of entire weight classes looking for that one marketable fighter instead of letting fighters develop stories. the lower weight classes are only surviving because their are actually more than a handful of good fighters clawing their way into the fans awareness. If your not a real boxing fan, all you'll know about is DLH, Pacquiao and Mayweather and maybe Cotto and that's pretty sad.
May 13, 2002
^^well I think a lot more than all of that is the lack of talent and lack of prospects in general, specifically African Americans, who lets face it all of the great black fighters came from poor backgrounds with little or no options in life. I think most of the great african american heavyweight champs are in the NBA and NFL. Kids now days have much better opportunities to play ball and go to college. That's an easier/safer/wiser path to pursue rather than going into boxing (because at the very least you can get an education).

I mean, name the top 10 african american heavyweight fighters. Can anyone do it?

10-15 years ago, the top 10 best WORLD heavyweight fighters were all african americans, except Lennox Lewis.

Right now there is Eddie Chambers and uhh let me think here, James Toney and Tony Thompson and you can through Kevin Johnson in there. The sad truth is the next best african american fighters are old has beens, Evander Holyfield and Hasim Rahman. That's the bigger problem and that's why the top 10 HW of today are mostly all Europeans. It's not that "Europeans finally caught up to the Americans" its simply there aren't any real american Heavyweights anymore. All of these guys I named would get ate up in the 90's, they wouldn't stand a chance.


CEO/Producer of E&K Music Group
Apr 25, 2002
I partially agree with that comment on why there are no real prospects. I think biggest difference now is Boxing is not promoted as heavily in the inner cities as it used to be back in the day. Kids would rather be anything but a boxer now a days because more money is put into advertising these other sports and entertainment options. Back in the day if you were a young up and coming Boxer, not only could you find a gym in your neighborhood, you had a history of fighters you could look up to and follow. After Mike Tyson's life became a joke and the talent pool dwindled, I think the lure of heavyweight boxing became tarnished and since, there hasn't been one fighter worth calling your Hero. Basketball and Football has always been a bigger option in sports for Blacks and that will never change. In the 60s, 70s and 80s blacks dominated B-ball and Football as they do now, yet we still had alot of youngsters boxing. If you look look at the history of sports of the last 60 years, we have always had a presence in all sports including Boxing. I think it's gonna change as Boxing gyms start reopening in Hoods across the country. This economy along with the fight to keep kids off the streets will start to work hand in hand to lead kids back into the gym. EPA finally has a legitimate gym after almost 20-25 years without a Boxing program. Think about that. Forevery city like mine that lacked a gym or good teachers of the sport, that's alot of talent that went down the drained and unnoticed.
Aug 31, 2003
how does Eddie Chambers stack up against the Klits?
He'd lose badly IMO. That's not what I was saying though. In terms of Arreola being the best American prospect I don't believe that to be true at all even though it's repeated over and over again. If they were ever to go head to head Chambers would win easily.