Oh yeah, and i agree, Kriminal and sonny boy should step up their lyrics a bit.
I bet that song with krimi and oso is gonna be a heater. The more shit people start to put out, the more they learn how to come with tight, but real lyrics.
Ive been writing flows for over a year now, and my shit has improved hella.
i just cant wait to get into the sound proof. Oh yeah, nobody is as hard as they rap, cuz if they were then theyed be locked up, or in a looney ben.
Like mars or redrum, if they did all that horror core shit they rap about then redrum would have done himself in a longtime ago. Their just lyrics to attract people, ya know what im sayin. Nobody wants to waste money on a boring cd, thats why they try to come with good lyrics. I spit my shit with the quickness, kind of like a spanish tech n9ne or twista, but i know hella people dont feel fast raps, but i dont give a, cuz thats mi estilo.