get ready for an invasion to africa. this story will give civilians the ok for us soldiers to go in there to act like we really in it to get this guy. but we really goin in there to take mother africa's resources. saddam, gaddafi, castro, bin laden were all friends until we were finished using them. not sayin these leaders arent bad people but we invade other countries for GoldOilDiamonds or Drugs i dont know. either that or im just eating too many fried bananas. fuck u, fuck me, and fuck everybody else because u, me, and everybody who can or can do something to make this world a better place wont do whatever that is because we are all some taco and fried chicken eating sons of bitches who just wanna get high, fuck mad bitches wiff no rubbers, and ride in ol school cadillacs and lincolns on 22's while we listen to our personal various artists mixtapes ridin clean nawmean.