let's just say I didn't.. so enlighten me.
Watch the video. Then I wont have to enlighten you.
At the end of the day, the man is on the run in central africa, where no government has the resources or the inclination to arrest him, and where the rest of the world has no jurisdiction to do so. And whether people are watching or not counts for nothing. People watched a cried out during Rawanda, and nothing happened. Bob Geldof had his musical love ins for poverty, and nothing happened. GOVERNMENTS need to care, and without incentive to do so they wont.
What does this have to do with what YOU said, and what I disputed? You're preaching to the choir here.
Maybe if people actually watched the news
This is a whole other thread altogether...
instead of viral videos they would have known about this man years ago
Sometimes these viral videos are much more informative, thats the whole point.
when the US Govt pledged money and military support to fight him, or when the International Criminal Court made out a warrant for his arrest, or when Interpol red listed him.
And that obviously hasn't worked, has it? Do you know WHY the politiciatns said they would go over there in the first place? There is no incentive for them to be there...there are no natural resources the US was trying to take control of. There was nothing the US gave a shit about in Uganda. Dead babies? As long as they aint white dead babies, the US as a whole really couldn't care less. That was the point he was making in the first part of the video. Humans, for the most part, are "out of sight, out of mind" creatures; if it isnt happening on our doorstep, to our neighbor, to our family, to yourself...we really dont have that much compassion and urgency for it.
Maybe instead of people throwing money away on stupid shit like this, people should go out and feed one homeless person, even just one meal.
Fix home, then fix world.
Why cant you do both? They are not mutually exclusive.
Need to verify the numbers, however, he is right about KONY being used as a tool.
Election year for Obama this portrays him in a positive light, so I'm not buying into it one bit.
Buying into what, that there is a psychotic leader in Africa killing thousands of people, and creating de-humanized children?