Shout out to OG Big C-Style Lil CS, and e'rybody else that's contributed some knowledge to this thread and all others pretaining to perseving the true and unbiased history of the west coast pioneers...
I'm a bay cat that appreciates the history of blac folcz on the west coast...
bac in tha day in Sj, I had folcz that were rip affiliates (SevenTrees, Verde, 408 Family, Pines)... One of my old roomates wuz frum East Side Compton Santana and other folcz from Pomona 357 and Westside Cpt Tragniew (if I misspelled, my bad)... so I know more than the average bay cat (especially those dumasses that say, "we aint neva banged in the bay"lol)...
in 95, San Jose implemented a gang injunction that violated hella civil rights; such raicist policies resulted in most affiliated brothas gettingshot to the pen or moving outta town (places like Sac)... The former San Jose police chief is now the police chief of Dago... So y'all be cool out there!
I went out that way for the first time in a few years and noticed that downtown was getting ran similar to how it is in San Jose...
So now that I've given y'all a slice...
I had to ressurect this one and ask about Gangsta Ern's role in the history of Dago... Since he claimed 5/9Brim, wuz he originally from LA, or wuz he born & raised in Dago and got put on by LA cats that ended up in Dago after their situation w/ Hoover?
If I got anything wrong, help a brotha out....
And Big C-Style... I hope all is well wichoo.. from my little bit of research, it looks like you ain't posted in over a year... Youngtsaz r in need of a lacin! 1