King Booker- WWE World Heavyweight Champion

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May 16, 2002
booker t is the man. ive been a fan of him since i was a kid and he was in GWF as half of the "ebony experience" this title reign has been a long time coming.

ps: thanks for the matches geezus
Jan 1, 2005
jayda650 said:
^who are you people LOL? Rey was a terribly weak champ that had the belt looong enough. How long you think Vince was gonna let the little guy hold on to it? Dude got his ass whipped every time i turned on smackdown the whole 4 months he was champ. There was no way to sell him off as a strong champ

Comon now everyone knew Booker was gonna take it and will probably lose it to Batista in the very near future. Book deserves that shit more than anyone else in that Smackdown locker room. Hes been around forever, had 5 WCW world title runs and hasn't gotten shit in the WWE since he came in besides IC and US title reigns who they usually give to hot up and comers, not vets like Booker. They should give him a strong 6 month run but will probably lose it at summerslam or the survivor series
Rey was a great champion, but is just another example of horrible booking. And yes please dont get me wrong but Ive always wanted to see booker as champ but rey deserved it as much as Book did. Cause atleast in wCw book was world champ but rey never had that oppurtunity and he worked his ass off as much as booker did.

Im happy i got to see both of them as champions.:chinese:
Feb 8, 2003
jayda650 said:
They should give him a strong 6 month run but will probably lose it at summerslam or the survivor series

I agree a 100%. Shit they let Beniot hold it for almost a year and Cena for a year. SO THEY MIGHT AS WELL let Book hold that shit.

IMO Bastista is real over rated bc he was getting his azz handed to him by HBK and Orton a couple years back.
Aug 26, 2005
YES, Booker does deserve the title, but hes such a fag. Gay ass gimmick, annoying as fuck.
You have got to be kidding me. That is by far the best gimmick in wrestling today. He's by far the best actor in WWE, and it's funny as hell. Hopefully they don't just make him a month-long champ until Batista gets it back... let Book hold this until Wrestlemania.


C'mon now...
Jan 3, 2005
Deux said:
so what happened with undertaker and khali???????
So outside the wrestling universe, the guy you know as Khali (aka Dalip Sighn) apparently was diagnosed with having something wrong with his liver. Heresey in another thread pointed out that word is Khali and two other kats might have Hep C which is easily transmited through bodily fluids. Now Ive havnt seen khali get cut open in the ring, but it doesnt mean it hasnt happened.

Flash back to the armagedon ppv we had back in december (?) where Taker was facing randy orton. Bob Orton Jr did some interferance and got busted open. Blead all over the undertaker and it looked real nasty. turns out after the show Bob Orton Jr suddenly remembers that over 20 years ago he got Hep C and it simply slipped his mind. (thats some bullshit if you ask me)

Flash forward back to last week when these tests came out, Lashley, Super Crazy and Khali all tested postive for some liver "problems"- nothing has been made offical but for safteys sake all three men were pulled from the card.

Back to the storyline: Sunday, Khali hot to whoop some ass decides to jump the undertaker behind the scenes before their match. Taker anticipates this and launches a counter offensive, calling out Khali backstage. Well before any shots were to be landed Taker is jumped by Big Show. And the two giants both whail on the Undertaker. The fights broken up, GM Teddy Long mediates and pulls Khali off the card for being a hater and puts Big Show in the Punjabi Prison in Khalis place.
The match was slow, the outcome was very questionable in my eyes, but considering everything I mentioned above it actually was a decent set up.

I think the match would have been worse with Khali in it.