I usually ignore most of what you say, because its mostly shit-talking and rabble-rousing...but you can't compete with major or even mid-size labels by emulating their spending habits, especially when resources are limited and risk almost unlimited. A NW artist spending $10,000 on a video is like RC Cola trying to compete with Pepsi and Coke: its not going to go well.
Videos are used to drive Album sales and Show attendance. If the artist cannot draw on their own and has trouble doing anything other than non-verifiable out-of-the-trunk sales...you'd have to be a complete moron to be spending 5 digits on a music video.
For this region to really grow, Labels need to spend more money on professional services (Laywers and Accountants) and less on expensive equipment, videos, features and other stupid shit. Cash Flow is king and Just-In-Time is the crown prince. Anything else is little kid shit, taking shots in the dark.