thought it was a pretty versatile album which i liked. sounded like he only stuck with like 3 producers though. i think there was some beats that had a good nationwide sound. wasnt a classic album but welcome to todays music industry. im definitely slappin this.
That quater Backin is basicly Jacka feat Keak, shit slaps though. I mite cop this one, it dont sound as good as Copium but im sure i can slap this shit.
see, i regret postin that thread bout the bay ain't put shit out lately i'd fuck wit... but so far this new keak album on his myspace is disgusto' shit is crazy. i'm fsho buying. good shit allndadoe
Yeah shit is dope, i was actually suprised i didnt think it would be that good. i def coppin Keaks official shit is always dope i musta been trippin berfore.