Kavio is ballin and has been on all ya'll suckers! Step it up! (new pics inside!)

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Apr 26, 2002
I told yall Jsimalacc916 is a bitch. He got all kind of bitch in him and he handles himself on here like a bitch. And I ran thru him like a bitch. ol drag queen ass nigga he wear his mothers underwears
fa sho ces. and to add to that list: zorro, i mean el torrooooooooooo!, and ensorryo, and std.

ok, i'm jus JOKING. it's jokes yall. i am a jokester. i JOKE all the time cuz i got nothin better to do with my life. i get my diCC hard joking to folx on the internet ALL GOD DAMN DAY. lol.

fuCC yall. comin from that dumbass, simple postin, t-spoon! fold.
Feb 8, 2003
Ummm yeah... : ip68-224-110-174.lv.lv.cox.net
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...I hope you are his sister or something or you are about to get clowned on hard lol.

I told yall Jsimalacc916 is a bitch. He got all kind of bitch in him and he handles himself on here like a bitch. And I ran thru him like a bitch. ol drag queen ass nigga he wear his mothers underwears

JulieMacc916 is your new name
Jun 15, 2005
ur boring me CUZZ. step it up. hoe. bbbbbitch. triCC. (had to keep it simple). fold.
You had to keep it simple? As if you had another gear, dude.

oh yeah, your "other gear" is when you come with, "You guys are real comfortable when you're behind a computer screen...meet me in Atlanta"


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
You had to keep it simple? As if you had another gear, dude.

oh yeah, your "other gear" is when you come with, "You guys are real comfortable when you're behind a computer screen...meet me in Atlanta"
"Stayin Positive Overcoming Ones Negatives"

HAHAHA, love screaming my name tho huh? I don't swing that way tho cuz, might wanna hit up Jmacc for that.
BAHAHAHAHAHA Both classic posts!!
Apr 26, 2002
You had to keep it simple? As if you had another gear, dude.

oh yeah, your "other gear" is when you come with, "You guys are real comfortable when you're behind a computer screen...meet me in Atlanta"
"Stayin Positive Overcoming Ones Negatives"

HAHAHA, love screaming my name tho huh? I don't swing that way tho cuz, might wanna hit up Jmacc for that.
yaaaaawn. ran outta steam. i didn't............. fuCC yall faggots. el toorrrrroooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am the GREAT el torrooooooooooo!!!!!!!! u too ensorryo bbbbbbitch. HAD to keep it simple agayne ensorryho. fold.
Apr 26, 2002
You, as well, should look into getting a life Mr. Rapid Reply.
lol at get a life. mr been on here since 10/19 CLOWNIN on some folks u aint never met, EVERYDAY postin in this thread, don't even know em, jus CLOWNIN. U SIR, NEED TO GET A LIFE. unless u a girl, u DO have bitch tendencies. y are u in here clownin? u life succs? u aint got nothin better to do? nobody even gives a shit about ur clownin/opinions bitch. YOU... get a life. fold.
Aug 17, 2006
well well well... i'm not goin' to read all 80 pages although i was informed niggaz is talkin' bad on my name and label. funny as it is i took a break from music to do football with my kids and HOT ONEZ is still the talk of the town. Good Shit!!! now this c-lim nigga is quite the comedian. nigga i never tried to take a verse from yuk (which would not be hard to do condidering) i never seen you talk bacc to Hogg when he said fucc lynch and anyone in his camp and you said you was just signed to his label to better your career (ha ha singned with a washed up rapper got you no where). anyways you fuccin' poodle you know my number and everyone knows my new studio is right here on watt ave. stop by like a real gangsta would. better yet this b.s. site banned Hogg and his ip address so he wanted me to relay the message to you that he will be in yo hood in stoccton saturday at 3:00 pm. let's air this shit out once and for all. bring fake ass cavio too. it's funny your not really from stoccton and he's really not from compton. fags of a feather flocc together. so anyone on siccness wants to see the real just be in stoccton north side at the ampm saturday at 3:00 pm and you will see the real. we will be goin' thru the whole north tryin' to find someone that even met c-lim.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2006
well well well... i'm not goin' to read all 80 pages although i was informed niggaz is talkin' bad on my name and label. funny as it is i took a break from music to do football with my kids and HOT ONEZ is still the talk of the town. Good Shit!!! now this c-lim nigga is quite the comedian. nigga i never tried to take a verse from yuk (which would not be hard to do condidering) i never seen you talk bacc to Hogg when he said fucc lynch and anyone in his camp and you said you was just signed to his label to better your career (ha ha singned with a washed up rapper got you no where). anyways you fuccin' poodle you know my number and everyone knows my new studio is right here on watt ave. stop by like a real gangsta would. better yet this b.s. site banned Hogg and his ip address so he wanted me to relay the message to you that he will be in yo hood in stoccton saturday at 3:00 pm. let's air this shit out once and for all. bring fake ass cavio too. it's funny your not really from stoccton and he's really not from compton. fags of a feather flocc together. so anyone on siccness wants to see the real just be in stoccton north side at the ampm saturday at 3:00 pm and you will see the real. we will be goin' thru the whole north tryin' to find someone that even met c-lim.
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