Yeah we gon kick it this weekend or something... I'm bringing my own drink you cheap fucker! lol - there's a little shindig going down here since nobody will be around this weekend... stupid vacationers. MWAHA - you bring the pole, i'll bring the bitches, they all swallow nut so what's size make a difference? if you bring the ladies they'll all have raibies and might mo might just end up with illigitimate babies! if kenny brings the hoes they're gonna take off there clothes, except the problem with that is they'll be 9 year olds! and if d-sane brings the women sperm'll be swimmin in linnen he'll be grinnin' but then pain won't have anything to be stickin'! cause he's a gayyyyyyyyyyyy wad... who likes men naaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmed todd. haha j/k pain.