*ip match*Thats funny as hell! Yeah her name is Monica, ,*IP MATCH*she's a cousin to a female friend of mine. Thats not her in that pic tho, is that the pic she,*IP MATCH* gave yall?? Monica is a hi ,*IP MATCH*yella girl with some funny scary lookin color eyes.LOL. I've only met her a ,*IP MATCH*few times, she seem,*IP MATCH*s to be cool,*IP MATCH* she would sometime send me messages thru her cousin about Siccness and ask about differen,*IP MATCH*t things I have goin on, I figured she was j,*IP MATCH*ust a fan, but she seemed pretty cool. Who is that bitch in the pic tho I actually think I saw h,*IP MATCH*er before, yeah,*IP MATCH* but Monica is cool tho dont pay her know mind my nig she just a fiesty b,*IP MATCH*itch (sorry Monica I mean MafiaQueen) what t,*IP MATCH*he hell duz that mean anyway? Oh a,*IP MATCH*nd Cesolito what did ,*IP MATCH*you think about Steel Here? Good or Bad its all ,*IP MATCH*good.