tadou said:
This guy intimidates and milks 50 million out of insurance companies, driving the premiums of people young and elderly through the roof, and you're questioning whether or not his lawyering ability was up to par?
MALPRACTICE suits is what the guy specialized in....really try to think about that. If someone loses a leg, Edwards was the kind of person that would have wanted $3.5 million, effectively putting whole practices out ot business with a "one strike and you're out" policy. Once you have even a suit PLACED on you, your company insurance will go up the next day. And without insurance...you can't stay open.
Edwards sure as fuck didn't make 5 million attacking mom and pop grocery stores and sole proprietorships. Malpractice is malpractice tadou. You couldn't be so impossibly pro-business that you instantly attack anyone who makes a claim on them, right? Nah I guess you could. In tadou's world the CEO is the victim and the people are the culprits.
You are speaking on 100% speculation based on some sort of judgement of the moral place of a trial lawyer. I guess no one should sue those "poor intimidated" business for malpractice. Economy over the people right? Lose a leg? Hey, that's your bad! Paralyzed by shoddy surgery? Well, you can't possibly hold the people who did it accountable! The real evil people are those TRIAL LAWYERS as hatch so eloquently capitalized. No one ever has a right to sue a business! Businesses can and should kill people and not get sued! After all, they donate billions to the Republican party!
I'd LOVE to see someone draw up numbers of how many health care providers Edwards put out of business. And i bet you, those numbers are coming REAL soon...damn i love election years.