Maybe they will give it to Shawn at backlash, It has been shitty for WWE in the last year or so losing Kurt Angle and Triple H Mania woulda been a better show if they were there. I don't know though I doubt they woulda had hunter and Cena fight for the belt 2 years in a row.
Cena isn't THAAAAAAT bad though, you know wrestling though they aren't gonna let Cena lose the belt under any clean circumstances unless its to another super face that it on the rise such as a Lashley for example. Shawn has super face status but he is old. Otherwise he will only lose it to a heel by cheating maybe Orton or maybe Kennedy if he jumps to raw and cashes in his MITB at an oppritune moment like Edge did. Edge already took on Cena too many times, I don't see him getting the belt back unless he turns face or some other face card player gets the belt