Joe Biden gets angry and snaps when reporter asks him a question!

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28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
What has he done to advance white supremacy? The wall? (To keep brown people out). The Muslim ban? (To keep brown people out). Far-right judges. (To kill affirmative action). So David duke, WHITE NATIONALIST Richard spencer, neo-nazis, ALL want impotus to stay in office because of the economy?!?! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ Obama has a bangin economy (45 should thanks him for riding his wave) where were those racists supporting him? First step act release a FEW thousand blacks. Big shit. Of course he’s gonna throw black people SOME meat so people like you could defend him for not being racist. Same as the hbcu funding he gave.
How about last night telling rep iihlan Omar this isn’t her country? How about him supporting the confederate monuments to stay up? And to think GANGSTER EIGHT, YOU were the one tellin me about FAUX news years ago (I have good memory).
have you read any links I provided? So a president who is NOT racist, has two racists in his admin. One who is the ADVISER. The other his CHIEF STRATEGIST. No, he can’t be racist. He gets his ques from faux news, Tucker Carlson, who’s LEAD WRITER is a racist. But no, 45 isn’t a racist.
the wall = nope. most of the people who want that wall are not white supremacists. the wall is being built to help control the tide of illegal immigrants, and nothing more. I don't have much of an issue with it.
muslim ban = Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Indonesia, and a few others are muslim majority and filled with brown people, and are not on that list. Barack Obama did something similar to that in his second term to no controversy that I can personally remember.
both the wall and the muslim ban have done nothing to remove brown and muslim *Americans*. wouldn't that be the ultimate goal of an effective racist / white supremacist? can you point to me what trump and his adviser and strategist have in store to get rid of us non whites? and if they have something, then why are white supremacists calling him a cuckhold and a traitor?
trump has disavowed David duke, and Richard Spencer has dropped out and went to support Biden, citing that the alt right was a flop. those are two people and two votes, and that's why I gave you those stormfront links, because they represent the general consensus. those photos you posted are undated, and that hail trump video was posted 5 years ago... long before Richard Spencer left... which was 2 weeks ago.
releasing a few thousand blacks is better than one at all. he didn't have to do a damn thing, because at the end of the day, the Republican Party doesn't need the black vote, and they've proved this to you. trump and bush #2 got less than 10% of the black vote, and still won.
ilhan Omar is a sitting member of congress in the middle of a voter fraud investigation amongst other things, so eh... he might have a point.
the confederate monument debate always befuddles me; explain to me why people want you to "remember slavery" but then want to knock down things that remind them of slavery?
Fox News is still pretty much faux news... don't know what that has to do with anything because I never mentioned Fox News, and I consider that network as controlled opposition... and that's being generous
you took my "economy" remark out of context; what you need to understand is that even though white supremacists have despicable views, some of the moderate ones may vote for him because of his promises on the economy... don't think for one second that these people believe that they can get a true white supremacist in the Oval Office to be at their beck and call. with that being said, Obama's "bangin economy" wasn't embraced, simply because he's black. they obviously trusted the orange man over the black one.
yes I read those links. tell me what racist piece advice Stephen miller gave to trump that followed through with, and I'll concede to that point. other than that, I will continue to consider (trump and the rest of) the Republican Party as the lesser threat than the democrat party as a whole, as has been my position for the past 10 years... because at the end of the day, thats all I'm expecting out of the United States government.

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Props: Chree

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
it's been a few days, and now that I re-read this thread, Ijust realized a few things....

Let me double down on this “keeping brown people out” talking point.

The United States of america has this thing called the minor outlying islands and territories. One of these territories is Puerto Rico.
Let me outline a few things about Puerto Rico:
Puerto Rico is an island with 3.7 million people, most of them brown.
Puerto Rico is in the middle of a long-standing debt crisis.
Puerto Rico’s capital city, San Juan, would be in the top 5 most dangerous cities in the U.S. if Puerto Rico were a state.
Puerto Rico has, for awhile, 3 choices of what they can do with their political status as an island: remain a commonwealth / territory of the United States, attain statehood, or attain independence and become a self-governing sovereign nation.

This is what trump had to say about the fate / destiny of Puerto Rico's political status.

So if trump wants to “keep brown people out” as suggested, then why is he leaving it up solely to the people of Puerto Rico to decide their fate / destiny? Why isn’t he supporting the independence movement that has been around on the island for awhile? If Puerto Rico gains independence, then trump would have successfully rid the United States of america of over 3 million brown people… right? The fact that Puerto Rico can’t handle it’s money, and has a lot of “very very bad people” as trump would say, in relation with it’s crime statistics, would be something he would bring up, right? So why would he opt for “I’ll stay neutral with the political status of Puerto Rico” and not support their independence movement? Not only could he rid the US of over 3 million brown people, but he can then also place restrictive visa requirements on them as opposed to what residents of Puerto Rico can do now… travel between here and there freely.

And and top of that, there’s a concern amongst the republicans in the US senate that the democrats want to make Puerto Rico a state in order to add extra seats in congress, since the island tends to vote democrat.

…and trump can LITERALLY conceal himself “keeping brown people out” of the United states behind this facade… and let Puerto Rico drown in their crime and financial problems, like any good ole racist would.

But instead, this is what we have:

now let me give the original post more of my attention.

1. That Stephen Miller accusation is based on an article published by the SPLC. Let’s unbox this:
First the SPLC is CLEARLY a bipartisan organization that *ONLY* deals with right-wing hate groups. And they are under intense scrutiny because of this… and I see why. Why is the Proud Boys a “hate group”, but ANTIFA isn’t?
Second, this page ( outlines the Stephen Miller affair in 7 different parts… and everything i’ve read sounds intriguing and everything, but I got one question… where are these "leaked" e-mails? this website claims that this article was based on 900+ leaked e-mails, and not one article has a link to a PDF file containing these e-mails. All I see in these articles are quotations from these e-mails, if they even do exist…. and one thing I’m NOT going to do in the current climate of this country is believe a fucking thing that anyone in the left has to say about “racism”… these sons of bitches have the propensity to exploit the plight of black, brown, and sometimes yellow people too, so I’m not going to accept this article as evidence off top. so as I said earlier, this can be proven by one, the other, or both of these things: either all 900+ e-mails get posted here, or lay out exactly what racist influence miller had on trump's policies.

2. Let’s talk about Steve Bannon and tucker Carlson’s writer… First, Steve Bannon was fired in august 2017, and the news articles mentioning those “wear your racism in pride” or whatever the fuck was published in march 2018, so the chronology is totally off. and I have reservations about what Bannon said to that crowd, but that's the topic for another conversation.
Second, that writer resigned over the comment, so what’s the problem?
what proof is there that the trump campaign team / administration had prior knowledge that both of these people were racist?

May 7, 2013
The wall is a way to waste money. It isn't to curb illegal immigration, if you believe that you do not comprehend that less than 10% of vehicles at border are checked (x-rays don't red flag ppl acting normal); that's 320 million people that go unchecked every year at the legal crossings, some of which are not legally entering. Let's be real, more than half of what guv does is waste taxpayer funded monies. So, the best lesson you can learn from this, because it surely will never change, is find the crimes that the reward pays the greatest, but the risks and punishments are minimal. Make it easy on yourself, get rich like they do, secretly start that generational insurance wealth for your children, and find your happiness. Forget the dumb shit.
Props: Thizzlejuice

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
The only way Trump wins is if he commits election fraud in swing states where the votes will be close. Otherwise, he doesn't have a chance in the world. It was a fluke he ever won in the first place. Trump supporters seem to forget that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million and the election was decided by 80k votes in 4 swing states where he won by less than 2%. He hasn't made any friends since then. Nothing but enemies, including millions of life long Republicans who are voting Democrat for the first time. The Evangelicals also just came out in support of Biden.

I don't care for Joe Biden much either, but he's a much better human being than Trump is.

P.S. I wouldn't kick AOC out of my bed for eating crackers.
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Lover of Giant Tits
Feb 1, 2018
The only way Trump wins is if he commits election fraud in swing states where the votes will be close. Otherwise, he doesn't have a chance in the world. It was a fluke he ever won in the first place. Trump supporters seem to forget that he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million and the election was decided by 80k votes in 4 swing states where he won by less than 2%. He hasn't made any friends since then. Nothing but enemies, including millions of life long Republicans who are voting Democrat for the first time.

I don't care for Joe Biden much either, but he's a much better human being than Trump is.

P.S. I wouldn't kick AOC out of my bed for eating crackers.
IMO comes down to who I respect more as a human like you said and Biden takes the cake without question
Props: Mr. D-Sane
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
It’s ironic how all these rappers and athletes support a Democratic Communist party, they should do some research on how a Communist society functions. There would be no music industry or professional sports if they were living in a communist system.
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Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
Trump has said all kinds of foul shit about Blacks, Latinos, and Asians. He's been accused of saying the n-word behind the scenes by numerous people that have worked with him. Don't try to make that fucktard out to be some sort of saint. Besides the fact that he's been accused of sexual assault by 25 women, and has been recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women, he was also accused of raping a 13yr old girl with his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein, who we KNOW was fucking 13yrs olds. He's also cheated on all of his wives. Pretty much everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and he's really just an all around worthless piece of shit.

And let's not forget how Trump spent $85k back in 1989 placing full page ads in four of New York City's major newspapers calling for the death penalty in direct response to the Central Park 5 case. Remember the Central Park 5? The four Black kids and one Latino kid who were falsely accused of raping a jogger in Central Park, coerced by the NYPD into false confessions, went to trial, got convicted, served their sentences, and then the guy who actually did it admitted to it in 2002. And his DNA matched the DNA found on the victim. They've been 100% exonerated. To this day, Trump still bashes them in the media, still says they're guilty, and said "they also did crimes they were never caught for." Because all Black and Latino kids are criminals according to Trump. But he's not racist, right?

The irony of that video coming from "Mr. Reagan" is hilarious too. The Reagan Administration is responsible for the crack epidemic of the 1980s that destroyed the inner-city, started mass incarceration of minorities, and destroyed millions of minority lives for generations. FOH

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
I don't care for Joe Biden much either, but he's a much better human being than Trump is.
no way, trump has never done something as foul as the crime bill... which invoked the 13th amendment "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" by taking advantage of the newly privatized prison system, which was enacted 3 years earlier. the man literally went on the breakfast club talking about how he visited public housing facilities around where he lived in the early 1970's talking about "these people need help".... so he helped them by locking them up 20 years later.

by the way, Hillary Clinton went on the senate floor to sell this bill, and did so by implying black folks were "super predators"... and she was accepting donations from companies like core civic up until 2015

I always found it funny how people love to say that trump lowered corporate taxes to help him and his rich buddies, but never point out that Joe Biden did the exact same thing with the crime bill... by helping his buddies get a return on their investment in the prison industrial complex via exploiting the plight of poor black and brown people. at least trump didn't engage in implied slavery while helping his friends, if that's what lowering corporate taxes was intended for.

Props: Chree
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
If Joke Biden wins then he steps down or they force him to resignation and then Commie Harris takes over and then they ban private property and ban everything, they are going to strip everybody of their freedoms and punish this country for having Trump as president for 4 years.

Mr. D-Sane

Sicc OG, muthafucka
Apr 25, 2002
no way, trump has never done something as foul as the crime bill... which invoked the 13th amendment "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" by taking advantage of the newly privatized prison system, which was enacted 3 years earlier. the man literally went on the breakfast club talking about how he visited public housing facilities around where he lived in the early 1970's talking about "these people need help".... so he helped them by locking them up 20 years later.

by the way, Hillary Clinton went on the senate floor to sell this bill, and did so by implying black folks were "super predators"... and she was accepting donations from companies like core civic up until 2015

I always found it funny how people love to say that trump lowered corporate taxes to help him and his rich buddies, but never point out that Joe Biden did the exact same thing with the crime bill... by helping his buddies get a return on their investment in the prison industrial complex via exploiting the plight of poor black and brown people. at least trump didn't engage in implied slavery while helping his friends, if that's what lowering corporate taxes was intended for.


Let's get something clear.... the new "War on Drugs", mass incarceration, and militarization of the police were started by Ronald Reagan in 1981 and were continued by Bush Sr until 1992. By 1993 when Clinton took office, violent crimes and murders had gotten so bad, especially in communities of color, America was demanding something be done about it. This was when the 1994 Crime Bill was created, which was supported by a majority of the Congressional Black Caucus, Black community leaders, and 40 of the country's most prolific Black religious leaders.

Trump and the Republicans want you to believe that Biden is 100% responsible for the mass incarceration of Black folks, but that's simply not true. Clinton and his administration were tasked with ending violent crime and cleaning up the aftermath of Reagan/Bush's disastrous administrations, and if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't have needed a crime bill to begin with. Violent crime is now half of what it was then. So, did the crime bill work? I'd say so. Did it continue the mass incarceration trends started by Reagan/Bush? Yes. And when Obama/Biden tried to reverse it in 2010, the Republicans went out of their way to stop them. Tom Cotton and Jeff Sessions were two of the main opponents.

Know your history and who the enemy is. Biden ain't perfect, but he's better than Trump and the Republicans any day of the week.

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