lmao@ Xianex saying i'm insensitive to the plight of the black race
dog, ask Tenk, Heresey, EDJ, anyone on this board i'm far from that...lmao, actually they'll laugh at you and say you're trippin 100%, they might not agree with my view on jews, but they know how far from the truth what you said is...
you're the one that believes what the media and propaganda feeds you, about jews owning everything...
and what does the White/Jewish/Black box have to do with anything?
I'm a Saphardic Jew, we come from North Africa/Mediteranian, we are a dark colored people...they don't even give us a box...don't be stupid
keep believing what you're anti-jew friends tell you about jews being the one's who own the diamond mines in Africa...(ohh that's funny i actually know a South African Black family that partially owns one of those diamond companies, they sure aren't jewish...)
and like i've always said, jews and blacks are the most persecuted people throughout time...if you want to believe it's only your race, then so be it...
And the jews with money, have had money in their family forever,