Jew Haters

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May 13, 2003
Yehuda said:
There will NEVER be peace unless Israel drives out all non Jewish residents of Israel and takes back all of their G-D GIVEN land.

Numbers 33:55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.
Israel just steals land
May 17, 2002
I'm waiting for the Israeli Empire.

this is the problem. ALL of that land belongs to the palestinians. Israel stole it by force. this is indisputable. I'm not saying it's right or wrong because conquest is how states survive.

But -

Why would I (if i was a palestinian) want the person who stole my land to ration my land bacc to me? why would I want to negotiate my own shit bacc?

That said I sympathize with the palestinians.

Now here's real life:

(As an israeli), If I took what you had because I needed it to thrive and survive I really don't give a shit about how you feel about me having it. If I'm giving you an opportunity to share with me TAKE what I give you and shut up. Elsewise just SHUT UP.
If I took something from you it now belongs to me. if you fight me for something I'm trying to share with you (which i obviously don't have to do) why would I be complicit in my effort to share?

If your balls are in a Lions mouth You can't call shots. you take what you are given or you lose your balls.
May 17, 2002
It's bound to happen. america is catering it's own demise. I am not anti-semetic (a stupid fuccing cliche) nor am i anti-jew, but i will say this.

America has power and that power is being assurped unwittingly by israel by the powerful jewish populous in america.
Jew's control media (entertainment and news) control the banks and most any other lucrative market in the US. I personally dont care if america stands or falls but from the perspective of a patriot if america doesnt reclaim it's power and diversify it equally among the many different american cultures "power" will "corrupt" and that "power" will "corrupt absolutely"

Take note of my new thread about the KKK.
Sep 28, 2002
My father works in a foundry my mother was a school teacher I am a hebrew and have always been poor. My family poletics are communist, my personal poetics is honesty, I love all people and judge them individually. I believe in a personal relationship with the spiritual realm be it religious agnostic or athiest. I hate the mass media and deplore politics. I am opposed to the occupation of the homes and bussinesses of Arabs on the eastern mediterainian coast. Yet and still if Xianex had his way and real "americans" took back their country from the "Jews" I would die in a concentration camp.
Apr 25, 2002
jews control the media?

you know only 1% off all religious people in the world are jewish...we're such a small race...and people act like we own everything

my family still lives in the projects in the pops made it out of the ghettos of the south bronx but it wasn't easy by any means

they tried to tar and feather him in Alabama for being jewish!!!

and show me proof that the Jews took israel from the palistinians...(that was our land that we were run out of over and over through exile) but please show me when there was a country called Palistine? please show me a time when there were NO jews in palistine

jews are the most persecuted people EVER!!!
the only group that has more hate crimes on them a year is gays, and that's by about 200 more, and there's probably a Thousand X's more gay people in the world then jews...

If palistine would stop bombing innocent children and teaching their children to kill jews, Isreal would stop bulldozing their homes...Sharon is a bad person and i'm sorry he's in office, but he's far less evil then the Hamas...
I think that the Hamas and Sharon need to be kicked out of Israel, then maybe we could have peace since in all actuality we are very closely related(arabs and jews)
Jul 24, 2002
Re: Re: Jew Haters

Mook Mangla P said:

The Palestinians don't want to see peace.
Don't believe me?
Just watch the news, and wait for the new waves of suicide attacks as response to ISRAEL's plan for peace....
The Palestinian people want peace as much as the Jews.
It's these terrorists who don't want peace....
They're funded by Islamic extremists who won't rest until all Jews are booted from Israel.
You'll see, these terrorists attacks won't stop. Even if the Palestinians are given their own state.
What a Palestinian state will do is make it harder for the extremists to convince a Palestinian into blowing him/her self up.

You got a look at the situation past it's outer layer.
The problem isn't that the Jews are "occupying" Palestinian land,
the real problem is that the Jews won't convert to Islam....
At least in the eyes of Islamic extremists.
The only solution they see is to push the Jews out....
Sep 28, 2002
What I was aiming at buger mac is the malicious lie that jews are elite manipulative oppressors of the brain dead masses. Using myself as an example I attempted to communicate that I being a jew I do not fit this stereo type and yet would be killed if the wishes of the groups that proliferate these lies were carried out.

If you have any other questions feel free to pull your head out of your ass and ask "wtf"

These lies have been around for centuries what people like Xianex will do is pretend they have come across some secret knowledge and then tell you to read "The protocols of the elders of Zion" which is just a collection of these lies in print.
May 17, 2002
@Formaldehyde Rx - WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT concentration camp??? you speak of me as if I'm some white nazi skinhead dude trying to cause a holocaust you are in GREAT error.

why would you use the fallacious notion that it is "MY WAY" to take america from jewish people in that statement I must say you are STUPID. you must not have read ANYTHING I said and just picced something out.

@ YOUNGMOE - does it take a million people to make a billionaire? NO. obviously not. are you going to give the ridiculous notion that just because a race is small it can't be powerful. that is an uneducated assessment

that is a joke to say that jews are persecuted more than BLACKS. have you looked at OUR life expectancy lately have you seen by HOW MANY my race is depleted yearly by the decisions of those that just so happen profit off of our suffering.

Jews have used that "we're are the most persecuted" marketing campaign for centuries. and so succesfully so that they have curtailed anyone speaking out against anything they do by organizations such as the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) etcetera.

Israel Will Not stop building in arab areas. . . .Stop let me show you how lop sided the situation is

Jews Don't kill arabs initially they take there land and build on it and refuse arabs the ability to florish in the land that they originally owned. since arabs dont have the FINIANCIAL power to seize land they fight back with there LIFE. so in turn Israel bombs and kills more arabs than the amount of israelis killed and build more settlements.

pursuant to my last post I will addend this is a very lopsided and to the arabs genocidal progression into palestinian land.

ultimately even if israel STOPS building they are not going to tear down the infrastructure of the settlements. nor are they going to relinquish their finiancial influence OVER the settlements.


I doesn't take much to figure it out. Please don't play the victim here you're OBVIOUSLY not.

Formaldehyde Rx - You must be TOTALLY DENSE "The protocols of the elders of Zion" are FAR from what I HAD and HAVE on my mind your mind is small and YOU are one of the many that will NOT find the correlation of my assertion. I know well what the protocols of Zion have to do with. you are a stupid person who think that I'm anti jew and anti semetic. this goes to show HOW SERIOUSLY stupid you are in drawing a prejudiced and stereotypical conclusion about someone you don't know.

actually it's just plain SLANDEROUS. You don't even know if I'm jewish or not. you dont know if my family is predominately jewish or not. you dont even know if my closest friends are jewish. you are a dense and dispicably ingnorant person who needs to checc themself

you've just perpetrated against me the same thing that you as a jew DON'T want to be perpetrated against you. HMMMMMMMM reminds me of the ADL.

do you honestly think that If Jews had less power theyed be put in concetration camps? you are a very paranoid person
Apr 25, 2002
lol at you tryin to make me look racist lol

throughout history, jews are the most persecuted people, who has it the worst these days in america? Blacks easily

somewhere like France where there's an equal number of blacks and jews, Jews have it much worse...

the world isn't just america

and go read that new Vanity Fair article, you've been fed a lot of misinformation

and you sound racist as fuck against jews "we've used that persecuted story to make people not talk against us"
are you a fucking moron?

check the hate crime reports last year, blacks and jews had the most hate crimes against them out of any races, and that's just in america...
but yes, economically blacks have it much harder in the US...but mindstate wise, it's exactly the same...

oh, just for the record, point blank what happened and happens in africa is sickening and some of the worst examples of a people being persecuted...but hey do you think Africans don't persecute other africans and do you think if they do it's something new?
something for you to check out
May 17, 2002
I never asserted anything about you being racist. and It's a LIE that jews have been more persecuted than blacks. Africa the cradle of mankind Used to be the most powerful place in the world from the ethopian empires south of upper egypt to lower egypt and sudan.

Africa has been RAPED of all its natural resources and treasures. we're even taught in school that the egyptians weren't black.
SOLOMON was BLACK. but not many want to admit this. the last great calamity against jews was the holocaust. the BLACK HOLOCAUST IS EVERY DAY.


YOU ARE THE MORON. you believe what "your" media feeds you so that "you" can remain insensitive to the plight of the BLACK RACE. so fucc you! you are a racist.

I wasn't talking about america I was talking about BLACKS PERIOD. blacks across this WORLD are at the bottom of the food chain.

who profits off the gold being raped from africa???
who profits off the diamonds raped from africa???
niggas? regular white people? asian? RIIIIIIIIGHT.

how is you race so persecuted when they own multimedia conglomerates, when they can import diamonds and gold from africa with the labor of black africans. how is it that AIDS just so happens to be wiping MY race off the face of the planet??? bitch please you race is doing FINE. MINE is in the gutter and is close to facing extinction. get a fucking grip.

who at the top of the chain owns Vanity Fair. who owns the publications that put out the statistical information.

Even Heresy can inform you of the CFR Bildebergs and other organizations whose influence is controlled MAINLY by what race????

here's even deeper. what box do you check on race? jewish white or black??? first of all there is no jewish box on race sheets. and most check WHITE. and you're persecuted more than us? RIIIIIIIIGHT.

I respect your race just as much as I do mine but for you to lie to me and yourself saying that yours is more persecuted then mine is bullshit.


we wouldn't have been able to execute the civil rights movement without the HELP of the Jews. now what????
Sep 28, 2002
duhh ME stupid

Boo hoo my race is the most persecuted............what a line of shit...............who cares...............If it wasn't the Jews some other race would catch the flack of the world domination stigma......Ok if blacks and jews are both persecuted who is doing the persecution?......................Also if jews are trying to take over control of the world who are they trying to take it from......and if they are trying to take control they dont have it so whoever does must be the culpret............................Wait do you think it could be an aristocratic elitest group of rich people?.............

Oh yeah lol @ Xianex "You don't Know mE!!"................
Its funny how you get offended at the notion that you are anti jewish yet everyone of your posts about jews is laced with anti jewish bs about some conspiracy of the jews to dominate the world and its inhabitants..........wait I think there is a book that describes the exact same plan and everything................
Apr 25, 2002
lmao@ Xianex saying i'm insensitive to the plight of the black race

dog, ask Tenk, Heresey, EDJ, anyone on this board i'm far from that...lmao, actually they'll laugh at you and say you're trippin 100%, they might not agree with my view on jews, but they know how far from the truth what you said is...

you're the one that believes what the media and propaganda feeds you, about jews owning everything...

and what does the White/Jewish/Black box have to do with anything?
I'm a Saphardic Jew, we come from North Africa/Mediteranian, we are a dark colored people...they don't even give us a box...don't be stupid

keep believing what you're anti-jew friends tell you about jews being the one's who own the diamond mines in Africa...(ohh that's funny i actually know a South African Black family that partially owns one of those diamond companies, they sure aren't jewish...)

and like i've always said, jews and blacks are the most persecuted people throughout time...if you want to believe it's only your race, then so be it...

And the jews with money, have had money in their family forever,
Apr 25, 2002
let me ask you something else
of the 2,000 or so attacks on jews in america last year, how many did you read about?
If we own all the media you think you'd hear about everyone right?

or say we do own the media, then you're theory that we paint ourselves as an "ever persecuted group" goes down the drain since we don't report on ANY of the hate crimes against us right?

if you look up the word Jew on google, it leads you to HATE SITES...thousands of them

blacks and jews have had it the worst throughout history, and they've tricked us into thinking we're enemies...

"trick the heathens into killing eachother" a quote used and hidden throughout time itself

look at my post about Ethiopian Jews...see what i mean
May 17, 2002
@ youngmoe - fuck what FRX got to say I see you have some good points.

and you have asked in civility honest and valid questions. so here we go. I never said they owned EVERYTHING. I said that they have WAY more control than blacks. i also said that there are jews that own multimedia conglomerates. a business is subject to the needs of its clients. I know and I did read your post about the ethiopian jew thats why i find it funny for you to say that jews who SIGNIFICANTLY have more power than blacks can't POSSIBLY be the most persecuted. those jews are BLACK. that only adds another strike against them. I don't think We are enemies at all. we share the same bloodlines and deliniations. weren't the Hebrews black?

my point was this. I don't know your skin color. but the jews that I've known have been white looking and associate themselves as being such. ultimately I'm saying that they are associated with the "majority". how can a race associated and accepted with the majority be in peril?

I don't think jews are the enemy of black people. to the contrary they have been a significant help to my race in regards to civil rights. I am saying that they can do more, the aren't facing extinction and although they are socially persecuted they aren't being hoarded into the american prison system en masse and poisoned with AIDS.

my thing is this alluding to FRX's comment. these "Elitist Rich People" aren't black at least I haven't seen a black person in any of the elitest organizations. but I have seen those who said they are jewish. so even though the Jewish nation isn't perpetuating the slaughter of my race Those that can make a differnce aren't. not that I can see. and as I said there are a ton of yidish and jewish people in powerful and influential places.

put it in a nutshell there are many white elitest that hate us both. but they hate you because your people are strong enough to fight back and win. my people can only wish, beg, pray or sellout.

I'm SURE blacks across america are thankful for Civil Rights but why did the helping hand get cut off. if we are both facing the bottom of the bucket why is it your side of the bucket looks better than ours??? and why does your side of the bucket look so close to the top???

much respect.
Dec 18, 2002
let me ask you something else
of the 2,000 or so attacks on jews in america last year, how many did you read about?
If we own all the media you think you'd hear about everyone right?

or say we do own the media, then you're theory that we paint ourselves as an "ever persecuted group" goes down the drain since we don't report on ANY of the hate crimes against us right?

if you look up the word Jew on google, it leads you to HATE SITES...thousands of them

blacks and jews have had it the worst throughout history, and they've tricked us into thinking we're enemies...

"trick the heathens into killing eachother" a quote used and hidden throughout time itself

look at my post about Ethiopian Jews...see what i mean
Jews dont really own the media...but look at this, of the small percent of jews in america (not sure of the percent, but its pretty low) there are equal if not higher numbers of jewish in the media and hollywood, low population, high media-occupation density, thats why it seems like they run the media