To the best of my knowledge, Randy Orton never lost the belt on TV so I don't know what the difference would be. I get your point but i think that at this point in time if they started holding back their champs people would be doing more complaining about it than they are now.
Unless they do what they did with bret, hbk, yoko back in the days and have them just defend the belt against midcarders on television bc it will also help build the midcarder up at the same time.
Dont get me wrong Orton is a good champ(im glad he got it and not HHH) i like him better now since he stepped it up and won the strap but they should have him drop to a new face right now for atleast a month or two i wouldnt mind seeing mark henry, cena or kofi with the belt for a lil bit.
I got a feeling though either rhodes or dibease gonna have a big push coming soon when they split they group up also I wonder what tehy gonna do with teh other dibease son..