Dubcnn: As a last question, when did you first come up with your trademark ad-lib "chaah"?
I really don't know when it happened to me! But, I think it started with Nnutt Howze, it had to start then. I recall IcyRoc and White Boy Will making fun of me about the "chaah". It started as a burst of energy, it's the word "yeah" but without the "y" but with a "ch" to give it more impact. Like Michael Jackson says "chomon" instead of "come on", it's the same thing! It' "yeah" but it's "chah", it's a burst of confidence, burst of energy. I just said something hardcore, chaaah nigga! That's still what it is! I have no idea how long I've been doing it, but I know it's been a looong time, more than 10 years I'll tell you that.