Wow, what a coincidence, I don't know any thugs named Dana either. I'm not a thug, never claimed, or ELUDED to it, so that means nothing. I'm just a glass blowing KID from Redmond right?
Yes, you do have Faggot quotes in your sig, and you have said shit that is a lot off, not a little.
I don't need "legitamacy". I know your a fruit. You prove me right with every post. I thought you were proud of those pictures, and proud to be out of the closet too!!
Since you only can say something about my name, i'll consider that post a white flag.
I am a rare breed that does not give a FUCK. So if I hurt you and and your canal pals feelings, sorry you fucking shade tree faggot.
Does this make you feel better?
Funny, I knew it wouldn't.