yeah, that's the differance between Jay-Z video, one was play and was was punk'd. That one dude got cold cocked, but it was blind sided... most people would go down to a haymaker from the side, without any time to react to it. I've seen some better ones in my day, I remember one time this guy I know just through one on this punk kid who came at us with a baseball bat - WTF? A baseball bat? They'll deserve it if they come around askin' for it with a damn baseball bat... anyway, yeah, Dude just caught one, face to face - no blindsided, he had his 3 older brothers there, they just stepped back and let him get stomped by like 5 lil' ass kids. It was hilarious, until we found out the dude got knocked mildly retarted, it was all over some girl, who started two more fights between dudes that day - she wasn't even all that, but hey - she was doing somehing right, she had mother fuckers swinging for her and getting knocked out for her, all day long.